Get a 410 status code when deleting account
I tried to delete an account, it returned a 410 status code, and empty response.
I am not sure where is wrong.
Pull Transaction, 207 Status code Response
Hello, trying to post a Pull Transaction. Here's an OOP view:
Pull Transaction, SC:409 EM:referenceID
Hello, trying to post a Pull Transaction. Here's an OOP view:
What does the error message Source Disabled mean?
We are seeing the following error message on between 5-10% of transactions we attempt to process, and I haven't been able to find any documentation to help explain it. Can you tell me what it means and how it might be avoided?
Create Account returns SC:403, EM:Permission
We're trying to create an Account for PUSHING to. This is the body we send out in OOP style:
iOS 3DS challenge Flow callback
I am following the to implement 3DS.
iOS 3DS SDK invalid Signature error
I am trying to test the 3DS flow for Tabapay in our DEV environmnet. However, I am not able to successfully initialize the Cardinal Mobile SDK, I am getting Invalid Signature error.
I trying to create a new transaction with these values
"variables": {
"pullTransactionInputDTOInput": {
"amount": 75,
"cvv": "543",
"memo": null
"cardId": "b64c08fc-dc7a-47bb-b4c1-d115e5fba34b"
In response I get the JWT from the server that looks like:
"data": {
"pullFundsFromExistingCardV2": {
"typename": "LinkedCardTransactionResponseDTO",
"linkedCardTransaction": null,
"transactionSession": {
"typename": "LinkedCardTransactionSessionDTO",
"challengeUrl": null,
"deviceCollectionUrl": "",
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJPYmplY3RpZnlQYXlsb2FkIjpmYWxzZSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjAxZGIyZGIzZTJiYzQxN2I4NjNjYTIxIiwiUGF5bG9hZCI6IntcIk9yZGVyRGV0YWlsc1wiOntcIk9yZGVyTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIyekR1anVRd3FWV2FKMzZcIixcIkFtb3VudFwiOlwiNzYxM1wifX0iLCJSZWZlcmVuY2VJZCI6IjQ1OWY4MGM4LTE0MTMtNDZiMC1iMjRkLTU4MmY2M2QyZmY3OCIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzQxMjI3Mi40Mjc1MzcsImlzcyI6IjYwMjE2ODg5MzE2MTQ2MzNjMDkwNzUzZCIsImp0aSI6IjIwMjIxMDI5MTg0OTA1MDAzMDYifQ.VRQlkmoy6QLeD9JTvFamSIZbupHo04wVmDlotweTHGc",
"payload": null,
"secureId": "FUjGQebsTQnc85wxgynuoDsVyqQOvlXk7NGorubd14czTzfFxPu_MyAwFVs5h5zYQxlRB1nVrNU",
"transactionId": null,
"transactionSessionId": "b8d9343f-e4f9-4189-a379-aa98e9ff360f",
"transactionSessionState": "DEVICE_CHECK"
I then try to setup the Cardinal session with the jwt I got from the server (which calls with the follow body)
"Client": {
"Agent": "CardinalMobileSdk_iOS",
"Version": "2.2.5-4"
"BrowserPayload": {
"Order": {},
"SupportsAlternativePayments": {
"cca": true
"ConsumerSessionId": "",
"ServerJWT": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJPYmplY3RpZnlQYXlsb2FkIjpmYWxzZSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjAxZGIyZGIzZTJiYzQxN2I4NjNjYTIxIiwiUGF5bG9hZCI6IntcIk9yZGVyRGV0YWlsc1wiOntcIk9yZGVyTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIyekR1anVRd3FWV2FKMzZcIixcIkFtb3VudFwiOlwiNzYxM1wifX0iLCJSZWZlcmVuY2VJZCI6IjQ1OWY4MGM4LTE0MTMtNDZiMC1iMjRkLTU4MmY2M2QyZmY3OCIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzQxMjI3Mi40Mjc1MzcsImlzcyI6IjYwMjE2ODg5MzE2MTQ2MzNjMDkwNzUzZCIsImp0aSI6IjIwMjIxMDI5MTg0OTA1MDAzMDYifQ.VRQlkmoy6QLeD9JTvFamSIZbupHo04wVmDlotweTHGc"
and the response is:
"ErrorNumber": 1010,
"Message": "Invalid Signature. Your request contains an invalid signature."
Do you know what could be going wrong here with the setup?
Query Card returns 400/Timeout
We're trying to do Card Query with AVS. This is the body we send out in OOP style:
Query Card retunrs 409
Use token, firstName, lastName, zipCode params and send a query with AVS , and got a 409 status code with following response.
What does error Card Data PK refer to?
What does error 400 Card Data PK refer to? Can you please explain?