Get a 410 status code when deleting account

I tried to delete an account, it returned a 410 status code, and empty response.
I am not sure where is wrong.


Pull Transaction, 207 Status code Response

Hello, trying to post a Pull Transaction. Here's an OOP view:


Pull Transaction, SC:409 EM:referenceID

Hello, trying to post a Pull Transaction. Here's an OOP view:


What does the error message Source Disabled mean?

We are seeing the following error message on between 5-10% of transactions we attempt to process, and I haven't been able to find any documentation to help explain it. Can you tell me what it means and how it might be avoided?


Create Account returns SC:403, EM:Permission

We're trying to create an Account for PUSHING to. This is the body we send out in OOP style:


iOS 3DS SDK invalid Signature error

I am trying to test the 3DS flow for Tabapay in our DEV environmnet. However, I am not able to successfully initialize the Cardinal Mobile SDK, I am getting Invalid Signature error.
I trying to create a new transaction with these values
"variables": {
"pullTransactionInputDTOInput": {
"amount": 75,
"cvv": "543",
"memo": null
"cardId": "b64c08fc-dc7a-47bb-b4c1-d115e5fba34b"
In response I get the JWT from the server that looks like:
"data": {
"pullFundsFromExistingCardV2": {
"typename": "LinkedCardTransactionResponseDTO",
"linkedCardTransaction": null,
"transactionSession": {
typename": "LinkedCardTransactionSessionDTO",
"challengeUrl": null,
"deviceCollectionUrl": "",
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJPYmplY3RpZnlQYXlsb2FkIjpmYWxzZSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjAxZGIyZGIzZTJiYzQxN2I4NjNjYTIxIiwiUGF5bG9hZCI6IntcIk9yZGVyRGV0YWlsc1wiOntcIk9yZGVyTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIyekR1anVRd3FWV2FKMzZcIixcIkFtb3VudFwiOlwiNzYxM1wifX0iLCJSZWZlcmVuY2VJZCI6IjQ1OWY4MGM4LTE0MTMtNDZiMC1iMjRkLTU4MmY2M2QyZmY3OCIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzQxMjI3Mi40Mjc1MzcsImlzcyI6IjYwMjE2ODg5MzE2MTQ2MzNjMDkwNzUzZCIsImp0aSI6IjIwMjIxMDI5MTg0OTA1MDAzMDYifQ.VRQlkmoy6QLeD9JTvFamSIZbupHo04wVmDlotweTHGc",
"payload": null,
"secureId": "FUjGQebsTQnc85wxgynuoDsVyqQOvlXk7NGorubd14czTzfFxPu_MyAwFVs5h5zYQxlRB1nVrNU",
"transactionId": null,
"transactionSessionId": "b8d9343f-e4f9-4189-a379-aa98e9ff360f",
"transactionSessionState": "DEVICE_CHECK"
I then try to setup the Cardinal session with the jwt I got from the server (which calls with the follow body)
"Client": {
"Agent": "CardinalMobileSdk_iOS",
"Version": "2.2.5-4"
"BrowserPayload": {
"Order": {},
"SupportsAlternativePayments": {
"cca": true
"ConsumerSessionId": "",
"ServerJWT": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJPYmplY3RpZnlQYXlsb2FkIjpmYWxzZSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjAxZGIyZGIzZTJiYzQxN2I4NjNjYTIxIiwiUGF5bG9hZCI6IntcIk9yZGVyRGV0YWlsc1wiOntcIk9yZGVyTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIyekR1anVRd3FWV2FKMzZcIixcIkFtb3VudFwiOlwiNzYxM1wifX0iLCJSZWZlcmVuY2VJZCI6IjQ1OWY4MGM4LTE0MTMtNDZiMC1iMjRkLTU4MmY2M2QyZmY3OCIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzQxMjI3Mi40Mjc1MzcsImlzcyI6IjYwMjE2ODg5MzE2MTQ2MzNjMDkwNzUzZCIsImp0aSI6IjIwMjIxMDI5MTg0OTA1MDAzMDYifQ.VRQlkmoy6QLeD9JTvFamSIZbupHo04wVmDlotweTHGc"
and the response is:
"ErrorNumber": 1010,
"Message": "Invalid Signature. Your request contains an invalid signature."
Do you know what could be going wrong here with the setup?


Query Card returns 400/Timeout

We're trying to do Card Query with AVS. This is the body we send out in OOP style:


Query Card retunrs 409

Use token, firstName, lastName, zipCode params and send a query with AVS , and got a 409 status code with following response.


What does error Card Data PK refer to?

What does error 400 Card Data PK refer to? Can you please explain?

Questions? Contact Sales or make a post