ACH Return File > $0 Amount / COR Entry Type

In the documentation of the \[ACH Return Files](<>) there's a `Class` field, which we found is most likely Entry Type found as found [here]( with the following possible values: - CCD (corporate accounts) - PPD (personal checking accounts) - Web (transactions that are initiated over the internet) - COR ("Corporate Entry" used for non-monetary entries, not used for actual fund transfers but are instead used to make adjustments) (not mentioned in docs) We recently found a `COR` entry in an ACH Return file with $0 as the amount. Is that any different from ordinary returns? Why is it marked as $0 when the original ACH was non-zero? Thank you!

TabaPay Support

We love questions on the TabaPay API and all things payments! If you have any general API questions, please ask them right here in the community forum! However, if you have any specific questions related to your client specifications (e.g. [coding issues]( , or [adjusting limits]( , you can submit a support a request to [TabaPay Support](

Account Creation failing with Error when using ASN.1 encryption key

For Account Creation I tried sending base64 encoded encrypted data (encrypted using key generated via CreateKey API). I am getting **500** error with EC: **3C451372** # Details: **(1) Endpoint**: Create Account **(2) Request Body:** > const body = { > "referenceID": grTo7EQixHbEgQq, > "card": { > "keyID": xuMKYzTSSQg8AvMOxo5v9g, > "data": R12GLdX4kKrevO0zZCiiK1SVzDeIWqaonPq5RXQ4aYH-\_\_\_Emcj-GPS2hl860IP-2hW-fq5ECNtra-9da0phJBDnd9WdRfFCbfDvpXWQH1e5IF_Ys9WRs5CEYXarj0hARv_kVJJO2sklhTEy8zyfniork59BUfbQqaLKOkDdnM1qsgnavNP7pK3Bq5E6ZqTxd_5d05i5lwSP34U6-V4DIkhQXib9KVuv9lulpHfrD-4arj4k4I0CzwyFHKhb6yEB-XmlifvO2u36K_7eFGRQKDWY0OL3OlFEWrTjCgq-KQHo3RP4mY1H-y6iJ2_y93yMyGHQPhru1wej_5-lNYEQ_Q, > }, > "owner": { > "name": { > "first": placeholderName, > "last": placeholderName, > }, > }, > "phone": { > "number": placeholderNumber, > }, > }; Sending the stringified version of body.

Introducing Dark Mode for Developer Docs

You can now view TabaPay Developer docs in dark mode by following these steps: 1. While in light mode, go to the top right and click the sun icon on the top right. 2. Dark mode should appear. ![Light Mode Docs]( To return to light mode just click the moon icon at the top right. ![Dark Mode](

Account Type in the Payout processed file

In the latest Payout Processed file we received from tabapay, there is a `B` account type in the ProcessedFile which cause the parsing failure in our system. <br> But from <>, the account type does not include a `B` value at all. Business checking and Business saving are `BC` and `BS` respectively.

Visa+ Push Error

Hello team TabaPay 👋 We're running into an issue when doing a Push via Visa+: Request: ```json json { "referenceID": "240318e9pX2SFib", "type": "push", "accounts": { "sourceAccountID": ...7BLQ", "destinationAccount": { "tag": { "network": "Visa", "name": "+foo_bar.paypal" }, "owner": { "name": { "first": "Foo", "last": "Bar" } } } }, "amount": "1.00", "currency": "840", "memo": "convfee=0.00" } ``` Response ```json json { "SC": 200, "EC": "0", "transactionID": "RsYpSgkUIy2_-W4wmaiWzA", "network": "Visa", "networkRC": "05", "networkID": "384078288272733", "status": "ERROR", "card": { "last4": "9941", "expirationDate": "203204" } } ``` I suspect it's because we're passing the sourceAccountId, however the [docs]( indicate that it's a required field for all push transactions. Please advise. Thank you!

Questions about Soft Descriptor use

The [documentation for the Soft Descriptor]( says that some characters are explicitly restricted. Since one of the Soft Descriptor fields is an email address, and the @ character is explicitly restricted, are we to understand that the restrictions are only for the `name` field? There is a table for Visa Guidelines. That table has a Field column, but from the row values it appears that the Field is always the `name` field of the Soft Descriptor, and that the only difference between the two rows in the table is that the first row is for push transactions and the second row is for pull transactions. The first row includes "Card Acceptor _City_ Name", and I concluded that "City" is incorrect. The Soft Descriptor documentation does not mention "Card Acceptor" any of its fields, so assuming the "Card Acceptor Name" = `name`. The [Statement Descriptor documentation]( topic describes using an asterisk as a delimiter for both push and pull operations, and describes `{processor}*{person name}` as the content for person-to-person payments. In the Visa Guidelines the documentation for the _push_ row shows: > **P2P**: P2P > Brandname_Sender > Name Does that mean that the `name` should be `P2P {processor} {person name}`, rather than `{processor}*{person name}` as described in the Statement Descriptor documentation? (Some of the other types in that row show an underscore character, which is also not shown in the Statement Descriptor documentation.) The documentation in the pull row seems to match the Statement Descriptor documentation. The \[MasterCard Guidelines](<>) seem to indicate that a space/blank should be the delimiter, and therefore that the asterisk is not appropriate for the delimiter. Is that accurate? We appreciate the documentation regarding the descriptor because finding it in the card processor documentation is challenging.

Query Tag against Visa+ Accounts

Hello! When doing a Query Tag ```json { "network": "Visa", "tagName": "+fooBar.paypal" } ``` ### TabaPay Response: ```json JSON { "SC": 200, "EC": "0", "codeConfirmResult": "A", "name": { "first": "foo", "last": "bar" } } ``` According to the [docs]( have the following codeConfirmResults: - M = Match - N = No Match - A = Match was not performed So my question is how was there no match when a first/last name was provided in the result?

Help me underdstand the Fee to use Pull Payment through API using the Credit/ Debit Cards

Help me underdstand the Fee to use Pull Payment through API using the Credit/ Debit Cards