We've noticed a lot of declined payment attempts
CodeAVS field not being returned for Query Card requests
Good day,
Apple Pay returns a 403 EC After adding soft description
After adding the optional Soft Descriptor in the pull transaction request body, and create transaction by Apple Pay, it failed with a 403 EC.
Apple Pay returns a 403 EC After adding soft description
After adding the optional Soft Descriptor in the pull transaction request body, and create transaction by Apple Pay, it failed with a 403 EC.
Does the tabapay API have a capability to retrieve when a debit card was created?
Basically, we want to see how old a Debit Card is.. is it possible to see that in any of the APIs? We currently use your api's to do AVS and then accept payments.
Settlement of reversal(delete transaction)
Are we supposed to receive a CSV file with the delete transaction(reversal) API ? Are we should use the successful response in the API itself and assume it is settled?
Optionally run AVS on non-USA Cards?
SubClient Creation > TIN Error
Reversal of transaction
I was looking to get some insights into the reversal option in the API
SubClient Creation > Settlement, Fees, & Reserve Account optional or required?