Create Transaction 400 BAD_REQUEST

Hello TabaPay, we're unable to do a test create transaction request. Here's some pseudo code: ``` CreateTransactionRequest( referenceID = body.referenceId, // some uuid amount = body.grossTipAmount.toString(), // amount currency = body.currency, //840 type = PULL, accounts = CreateTransactionRequest.Accounts( sourceAccountID = null, sourceAccount = CreateTransactionRequest.Accounts.SourceAccount( card = CreateTransactionRequest.Accounts.SourceAccount.Card(token = token) // from iFrame ) ), ) ``` We're getting the following in our logs: ``` 2022-06-11 04:05:40.605 TRACE 1 --- [or-http-epoll-2] o.s.w.r.f.client.ExchangeFunctions : [44fc6c19] [e5c7d29f-1, L:/ -] Response 400 BAD_REQUEST, headers=[Server:"nginx", Date:"Sat, 11 Jun 2022 04:05:40 GMT", Connection:"close", Strict-Transport-Security:"max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains", X-Frame-Options:"SAMEORIGIN", X-XSS-Protection:"1; mode=block", X-Content-Type-Options:"nosniff", content-length:"45"] ``` We're then getting: ``` UnsupportedMediaTypeException: Content type 'application/octet-stream' not supported for bodyType=CreateTransactionResult ``` Is it possible for you guys to check your logs around the same time and see what is causing the error? Btw, we put a fake CC of 4242... Any pointers would be of great help. Thanks!

The API Sandbox URL is not accessiable

Today I tried to explore the TabaPay API, and used the sandbox env variables from TabaPay. `curl<ClientID> -H "Authorization:xxx"` got a timeout error.

Sandbox cards view

This view isn't as accessible as the original view (which was just a plain table):

What does the error message Source Disabled mean?

We are seeing the following error message on between 5-10% of transactions we attempt to process, and I haven't been able to find any documentation to help explain it. Can you tell me what it means and how it might be avoided? Tabapay action failed; action=create_transaction, errorCode=3C55602E, errorMessage=Source Disabled

Create Transaction Error

Good day, We are getting a 422 status code when trying to create a transaction. From a previous ask, it was attributed to the transaction limits being breached. Is there a way to increase the limits on our end to facilitate QA testing?

iOS 3DS SDK invalid Signature error

I am trying to test the 3DS flow for Tabapay in our DEV environmnet. However, I am not able to successfully initialize the Cardinal Mobile SDK, I am getting Invalid Signature error. I trying to create a new transaction with these values { "variables": { "pullTransactionInputDTOInput": { "amount": 75, "cvv": "543", "memo": null }, "cardId": "b64c08fc-dc7a-47bb-b4c1-d115e5fba34b" } } In response I get the JWT from the server that looks like: { "data": { "pullFundsFromExistingCardV2": { "__typename": "LinkedCardTransactionResponseDTO", "linkedCardTransaction": null, "transactionSession": { "__typename": "LinkedCardTransactionSessionDTO", "challengeUrl": null, "deviceCollectionUrl": "", "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJPYmplY3RpZnlQYXlsb2FkIjpmYWxzZSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjAxZGIyZGIzZTJiYzQxN2I4NjNjYTIxIiwiUGF5bG9hZCI6IntcIk9yZGVyRGV0YWlsc1wiOntcIk9yZGVyTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIyekR1anVRd3FWV2FKMzZcIixcIkFtb3VudFwiOlwiNzYxM1wifX0iLCJSZWZlcmVuY2VJZCI6IjQ1OWY4MGM4LTE0MTMtNDZiMC1iMjRkLTU4MmY2M2QyZmY3OCIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzQxMjI3Mi40Mjc1MzcsImlzcyI6IjYwMjE2ODg5MzE2MTQ2MzNjMDkwNzUzZCIsImp0aSI6IjIwMjIxMDI5MTg0OTA1MDAzMDYifQ.VRQlkmoy6QLeD9JTvFamSIZbupHo04wVmDlotweTHGc", "payload": null, "secureId": "FUjGQebsTQnc85wxgynuoDsVyqQOvlXk7NGorubd14czTzfFxPu_MyAwFVs5h5zYQxlRB1nVrNU", "transactionId": null, "transactionSessionId": "b8d9343f-e4f9-4189-a379-aa98e9ff360f", "transactionSessionState": "DEVICE_CHECK" } } } } I then try to setup the Cardinal session with the jwt I got from the server (which calls with the follow body) { "Client": { "Agent": "CardinalMobileSdk_iOS", "Version": "2.2.5-4" }, "BrowserPayload": { "Order": {}, "SupportsAlternativePayments": { "cca": true } }, "ConsumerSessionId": "", "ServerJWT": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJPYmplY3RpZnlQYXlsb2FkIjpmYWxzZSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjAxZGIyZGIzZTJiYzQxN2I4NjNjYTIxIiwiUGF5bG9hZCI6IntcIk9yZGVyRGV0YWlsc1wiOntcIk9yZGVyTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIyekR1anVRd3FWV2FKMzZcIixcIkFtb3VudFwiOlwiNzYxM1wifX0iLCJSZWZlcmVuY2VJZCI6IjQ1OWY4MGM4LTE0MTMtNDZiMC1iMjRkLTU4MmY2M2QyZmY3OCIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzQxMjI3Mi40Mjc1MzcsImlzcyI6IjYwMjE2ODg5MzE2MTQ2MzNjMDkwNzUzZCIsImp0aSI6IjIwMjIxMDI5MTg0OTA1MDAzMDYifQ.VRQlkmoy6QLeD9JTvFamSIZbupHo04wVmDlotweTHGc" } and the response is: { "ErrorNumber": 1010, "Message": "Invalid Signature. Your request contains an invalid signature." } Do you know what could be going wrong here with the setup?

ACH Batch Files

Hello, few questions regarding the Batch ACH file and its requirements. Related doc: 1) Input File name "Input File name: yyyymmdd_ISO_MID_ACHInput_N_v2-5.csv (sent to TabaPay)" "N=sequence number (1..n) if multiple files per cycle used" a) What's a cycle? May N count for the file count for the day of yyyymmdd? Starting with 1. b) What's ISO? Should we leave that as is? c) What's MID? Should we leave that as is? 2) Output File name "Output File name: yyyymmdd_ISO_MID_ACHOutput.csv (received from TabaPay)" a) Shouldn’t this too include N, otherwise how can we differentiate between multiple sent for the same day? 3) Processed file "Processed file: yyyymmdd_ISO_MID_ACHProcessed_A.csv (received from TabaPay)" a) What’s the difference between processed and output file? 4) Emailing Input File "Subject: NAME ACH; total debits annd $s, total credits and $s" a) Is “Name ACH” == "yyyymmdd_ISO_MID_ACHInput_N_v2-5.csv"? b) Can we have a sample subject line? c) “annd” has a typo. 5) ACH Types "S, N, R" a) What do these stand for? b) Which one to use? 6) Entry Types "CCD, PPD, Web" "CCD’s are Corporate Credit or Debit transactions and are used to originate transactions to or from Corporate Accounts only." a) Assuming all TabaPay customers are corporations and are apart of all transactions(pull, push), wouldn't CCD always be set? "PPD’s are Prearranged Payment or Deposit transactions and are used to originate transactions to Consumer Accounts only." b) Do you mean "originate transactions FROM Consumer Accounts"? c) Is this when we're pulling from Consumers? "WEB is Internet-Initiated/Mobile Entries" d) What makes an internet-initiated entry an internet-initiated entry? 7) Entry description a) Okay to be blank? 8) IIN "Individual Identification Number. No commas, no blanks. No symbols: REQUIRED: must be unique over 7 rolling days" a) This is an ID for the receiver? Or the transaction line? 9) RTN a) Routing number, right? 10) Debit-Credit a) Pushing ACH == Debit, and vice versa, correct?