Create Account returns SC:403, EM:Permission

We're trying to create an Account for PUSHING to. This is the body we send out in OOP style: ``` CreateAccountRequest( referenceID=OPKRSTUVWXY--e, card=Card( accountNumber=9400111999999990, expirationDate=202412, keyID=null, data=null, token=null, device=null ), bank=null, owner=Owner( name=Name( company=null, first=Tester, middle=null, last=Employee, suffix=null ), address=null, phone=null ) ) ``` This is the response we get: ``` { SC: 403, EC: "3C4E1491", EM: "Permission" } Any clues? Thanks! ```

Debit Card Transaction

I want to implement payment transfer functionality where A user can send money in CAD currency to bank account number. I tried to find resources in documentation but didn't get any clear. Can you please share exact documentation link of transfer money from debit card to bank account. If there are any working testing demo available in documentation then it will be a great help for me. Thank you in advance !

Permission Error Message when Creating Account

Hey there, when I run following query to the sandbox api without ?RejectDuplicateCard, everything seems to be working. But if I add it I get following error message `{"SC":403,"EC":"3C4E1019","EM":"Permission"}` The call itself: `curl --request POST \ --url "" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ....wALbGw' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"card":{"keyID":"A3sFxQ4DUAq8gv5HVUa2bw","data":"Awqfi08r78BuuGilyuse7A_ShgdjpyajZlZ0vFB1DkcnzrR9tw0Gy-Tdd-gWBmjSAaJxI9USmK4nFMWoEHQpuCwSM5ppo4ZD_g-5Sbzz6rHTuHAUtrJ5Uko_l3RQardVXrXocdm7IQQPlGFezVsC5daf3GKm90PWj_skXlCN3AQRYOzD6V6pw3Tms5LfZLKmbfLpx64q9rDuiS0t_XX64xSoj-IE78ftlSdRljHRZXHo34Amf7LoD-WSSzsaigP005-Bnuy5YNpXo1EukfTiH61ahRXfWfpTNB_t6e28xj8hYMSHynHvPcaR80J7k9vZdL1EddwDEYvbjSxHHBNzVg=="},"owner": {"name": { "first": "John","last": "Customer"},"address": {"line1": "465 Fairchild Drive","line2": "Suite 222","city": "Mountain View","state": "CA","zipcode": "94043"},"phone": {"number": "4159808222"}},"referenceID": "1"}' `

Query Card retunrs 409

Use token, firstName, lastName, zipCode params and send a query with AVS , and got a 409 status code with following response. ``` { "SC": 409, "EC": "3C3E1301", "EM": "card" } ```

Create account failed

Using the card provided in the failed. ```bash {"SC":422,"EC":"3C55602E","EM":"Source Disabled"}" ```

Tokenization Page Error

Good day, I followed the instructions on how to embed the provided iframe, along with the event listener attached to the page. However, when I enter the card details and click Use Card, the SSOEncrypt network call is cancelled afterwhich there is the response: "<hidden>.html?accountNumber=4005519200000004&expirationDate=12%2F22&securityCode=1234", and the token and other details are not returned. Please assist.

Sandbox test card number

None of the Amex or Discover test card numbers work in sandbox, all receive the response "Sorry this type of card does not accept fund disbursement." How can we test Amex and Discover?

Create Transaction > Apple Pay > Permission Error

I tried hard-coding my name for testing Apple Pay per: to see if transactions would go through, but they aren't. Instead am getting a permission error: ``` { "type": "", "title": "Bad Request", "status": 400, "detail": "Unhandled tabapay response: {\"SC\":403,\"EC\":\"3C5E2395\",\"EM\":\"Permission\"}", "stacktrace": [ ``` What we're sending in: ``` CreateTransactionRequest( referenceID=KLNOPKRSTUVWX-, correspondingID=null, corresponding=null, type=PULL, accounts=Accounts( sourceAccountID=null, sourceAccount=SourceAccount( card=Card( accountNumber=null, expirationDate=null, securityCode=null, keyID=null, data=null, token=null, device=null, mobilePay=MobilePay( accountNumber=517604047..., expirationDate=202609, cryptogram=ACfp9yvsN7m0ABXYR0ua..., transactionID=007E0BE6100BE796..., eciIndicator=null, network=MasterCard, type=credit ), processor=null ), bank=null, owner=Owner( name=Name( company=null, first=Sami, middle=null, last=Eljabali, suffix=null ), address=null, phone=null) ), destinationAccountID=null, destinationAccount=null ), amount=1.00, currency=840, ofacValue=null, memo=null, achOptions=null, pullOptions=null, softDescriptor=null, location=null ) ``` Decrypted Apple Pay ``` { "applicationPrimaryAccountNumber": "51760404...", "applicationExpirationDate": "260929", "currencyCode": "840", "transactionAmount": 100, "deviceManufacturerIdentifier": "05011...", "paymentDataType": "3DSecure", "paymentData": { "onlinePaymentCryptogram": "AD6yAiS8n0gkA..." }, "msg": "", "time": "2022-09-19T16:00:39.191Z", "v": 0 } ``` Any tips or ideas are welcome. Thanks!