Error Message {"SC":400,"EC":"3C304949"}
What is the error code 3C304949
We are getting 429 on hitting the transaction endpoint on sandbox
Response from sandbox:
Create account fails with 403
I'm trying to create an account by calling this endpoint:
When will Query FX api be production ready
I am mostly talking about this API:
Unable to connect to Sandbox
Getting the below error when connecting to Sandbox.
SubClient use for non-ISOs: can it be use to create sub-accounts for the same business?
Is it possible to create SubClients for different segments of a single business? We are not an ISO, but it would be helpful to use a sub-account concept to help distinguish payment processing volume and interchange fees between different product lines (e.g. web vs. mobile) within our single business.
Error: read ECONNRESET
We are trying to connect to your sandbox for our RTP integration. Before that we keep getting "Error: read ECONNRESET" during a connection call.
Note: We had already submitted / shared our IP addreses and ranges to get Whitelisted. Is there anything else that is required (e.g. client certs etc). Please assist.
ACH Return File > $0 Amount / COR Entry Type
In the documentation of the [ACH Return Files]( there's a Class
field, which we found is most likely Entry Type found as found here with the following possible values:
TabaPay Support
We love questions on the TabaPay API and all things payments! If you have any general API questions, please ask them right here in the community forum!
Account Creation failing with Error when using ASN.1 encryption key
For Account Creation I tried sending base64 encoded encrypted data (encrypted using key generated via CreateKey API).
I am getting 500 error with EC: 3C451372