iOS Configuration Options
Method | Description | Default Values | Possible Values |
deploymentEnvironment | The environment SDK connects to. | CardinalSessionEnvironmentProduction |
uiType | Interface types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK. This setting interacts with renderType in important ways. See renderType below for more information. | CardinalSessionUITypeBoth It is recommended that you use |
renderType | List of all the RenderTypes that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK. Note:
See uiType above for more information on which UiType to use. |
proxyServerURL | Proxy server through which the Cardinal SDK Session operates. | nil | String Value |
requestTimeout | Sets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) for all exchanges | 8000 | >=0 Milliseconds (Integer) |
challengeTimeout | Challenge Screen Timeout in Minutes. | 5 | >=5 minutes (Integer) |
uiCustomization | Set Custom UICustomization for SDK Controlled Challenge UI. | ||
enableDFSync | Enable DF Sync to get onSetupCompleted (Step 4) called after collected Device Data is sent to the server. | true | Boolean |
threeDSRequestorAppURL | Merchant app declaring their URL within the CReq message so that the Authentication app can call the Merchant app after OOB authentication has occurred. Each transaction would require a unique Transaction ID by using the SDK Transaction ID. | String Value | |
collectLogs | Enables collecting SDK logs | true | Boolean |
enableQuickAuth (deprecated) | Enable Quick Authentication | false | Boolean |
darkModeUiCustomization | Set Custom UICustomization for SDK Controlled Challenge UI. | - |
Android Configuration Options
Method | Description | Default Values | Possible Values |
setEnvironment(CardinalEnvironment environment) | Sets the environment the SDK has to connect to |
setUiType(CardinalUiType uiType) | Sets all UI types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK. This setting interacts with renderType in important ways. See setRenderType(org.json.JSONArray renderType) below for more information. |
It is recommended that you use |
setRenderType(org.json.JSONArray renderType) | Sets render Lists all UI types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK. Note:
See setUiType(CardinalUiType uiType) above for more information on which uiType to use. |
setProxyAddress(java.lang.String proxyAddress) | Sets the proxy the SDK has to connect to |
| String Value |
setRequestTimeout(int requestTimeout) | Sets the maximum amount of time (milliseconds) for all exchanges | 8000 | >=0 Milliseconds (Integer) |
setChallengeTimeout(int challengeTimeout) | Sets the maximum amount of time (minutes) for challenge | 5 | >=5 minutes (Integer) |
setUICustomization(UiCustomization UI Customization) | Device Default Values | See article: Challenge User InterfaceCustomization Android | |
setEnableDFSync(boolean enableDFSync) | On setting true, onSetupCompleted in step 4, will be called after device data collected is sent to the server | true | Boolean |
setThreeDSRequestorAppURL(String threeDSRequestorAppURL) | The setThreeDSRequestorAppURL method may set the 3DS Requestor App URL. If the app sets the URL, then the SDK shall pass the URL to the server. |
| String Value |
setEnableLogging(boolean enableEventLogging) | Enable cardinal logging | true | Boolean |
setEnableQuickAuth(boolean enableQuickAuth) (Deprecated ) | Sets enable quick auth |
| Boolean |