Card Network Response Codes

Network response codes returned when an authorization fails at the network or beyond.


Enable TabaPay Account Updater (TAU)

Experiencing a lot of 14, 46, 54, or 79 return codes (invalid account number, closed or invalid expiry date)?

Enable TabaPay Account Updater (TAU) and see an immediate difference in your authorization rates.


Excessive retries for Pull transactions

To avoid negative impacts to cardholders and the processing systems caused by erroneous authorizations that are not authorized, reversed or cleared according to their requirements, card networks Visa and MasterCard run integrity programs to promote good behavior.

Read more at Network Authorization Best Practices.

Network Response Codes

Network Code Grouping ISO Reason Category Code (Visa)* Issuer's Reasons for Failure (mostly)  Action Required
00 Approvals Approved or completed successfully.  1 - Issuer will never approve    
01 Referral Responses Refer to card Issuer. For referral transactions/services, where the merchant/TabaPay is required to call the issuer to complete the transaction:   Referral transactions are rarely used as the probability of the merchant calling the issuer is very low. Cardholder needs to call the issuing bank
02   Refer to card issuers special conditions.       
03 Policy Declines Invalid Merchant. The card is not valid to be used
at this Merchant or MCC. 
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used when the Issuer or cardholder has
restricted the card or product definition to
not allow usage at Merchant Category Code
May be used for regulatory restrictions
preventing transactions at certain types of
Merchants such as gambling, etc.
Merchant restrictions may be temporary or
Email TabaPay Support at [email protected] (Transaction should not be immediately
reattempted for this Merchant or MCC)
04 Fraud/Security-related Details Pick-Up Card (No fraud). A card has been cancelled 1 - Issuer will never approve Use for scenarios where the account has been
closed, typically for non-fraud reasons.
Blocked/cancelled cards due to confirmed previous fraudulent situation (other than lost stolen),
Fraudulent activities at account level (such as identity theft or Account Take Over).
Reattempt not permitted with the same
PAN or token
Request alternate payment method
from customer and/or advise the
cardholder to contact their Issuer
05 Others Do not Honor.  4 - Generic Response Code Issuers should use this response code only when no other response code applies. Cardholder needs to call the issuing bank
06   Error.       
07   Pick up Card, Special
Condition (fraud
account). Fraud-compromised account
1 - Issuer will never approve Use for accounts closed due to fraud or
Reattempt not permitted with the same
PAN or token
Request alternate payment method
from customer and/or advise the
cardholder to contact their Issuer
08 Approvals Honor with identification.    When issuer needs to verify the identity of a cardholder for certain types of transactions, such as manual cash disbursements.  
09   Request in progress.       
10 Approvals Approved for partial amount.    Used for approvals of an amount that is less than requested. (Coming soon)  
11   Approved (VIP).       
12 Technical/Validation Details Invalid Transaction. The transaction is not
authorized due to technical
1 - Issuer will never approve When a fatal technical error prevents
approval including (e.g.-invalid POS entry mode for card type)
May be used when CVV validation was not successful.
Can also be a network-triggered decline.
Reattempt not permitted
Evaluate for potential fraud or issues
with Merchant terminal.
Review the following fields for possible
failure conditions - CVV or Card Authentication Results Code.
 Evaluate for potential fraud
13 Policy Declines Invalid amount. Invalid amount   Amount is outside of the limits defined by issuer (general/policy limit). For individual credit limit, response code 51 (Insufficient funds/over credit limit) must be used; or
Amount is outside of limits defined by rule or regulation (for example, an installment payment less than the minimum amount allowed or a Gaming Payment Transaction exceeding the maximum amount allowed); or
Transaction exceeds issuer’s policy threshold amount for unique transaction (such as USD 1,000,000 for a single transaction).
Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
14 Life-Cycle Declines Invalid card number (no such number). Account number is not valid 1 - Issuer will never approve Account number was never issued or has been permanently blocked or closed.
OR Failed Mod-10 check
OR Account number is not a valid length for Issuer
OR Type of transaction not allowed at the Issuer
OR Card expiration date doesn`t match what is on the card.
Reattempt not permitted with the same
PAN or token.
Revalidate account number for accuracy
Evaluate for potential fraud
Enable TabaPay Account Updater!
15   No such issuer [first 8 digits of
account number do
not relate to an
issuing identifier]). Generated when the
BIN, account range or network
for the requested account
number is not defined at the network
1 - Issuer will never approve Network generated Response, not used by Issuers Reattempt not permitted with the
same PAN or token
Revalidate account number for
Evaluate for potential fraud.
16   Approved, update track 3.       
17   Customer cancellation, reversal (unsupported).       
18   Customer dispute, chargeback (future).       
19   Re-enter transaction. Transaction temporarily cannot
be processed.
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time (1) Contact TabaPay. Used when the Issuer is temporarily unable
to process a transaction due to an error in
the message structure or field format OR (2) Used by network when a transaction exceeds the
Merchant fraud threshold OR (3) May be used for Address Verification failure
If you receive a high volume of
RC19, contact TabaPayto evaluate
possible format errors. OR Evaluate Address Verification Failures
20   Invalid response.       
21   No action taken, reversal (unsupported).       
22   Suspected malfunction, reversal (unsupported).       
23   Unacceptable transaction fee.       
24   File update not supported by receiver.       
25   Unable to locate record on file.       
26   Duplicate file update record, no action.       
27   File update field edit error.       
28   File update record locked out.       
29   File update not successful, contact acquirer.       
30 Technical/Validation Details Format error (may also be a reversal).    When the information in one or more data elements is not consistent or there is a failure in validation among data elements and applicable subelements. Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
31   Bank not supported by switch.    Network Issue Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
32   Completed partially, reversal (unsupported).       
33   Expired card, pick-up.       
34   Suspected fraud, pick-up.       
35   Card acceptor contact acquirer, pick-up.       
36   Restricted card, pick-up.       
37   Card acceptor call acquirer security, pick-up.       
38   Allowable PIN tries exceeded, pick-up.       
39   No credit account.  2 - 2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time    
40   Requested function not supported.    Network Issue Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
41 Fraud/Security-related Details Lost Card, Pick-up. The cardholder has reported
the card lost
1 - Issuer will never approve When a card has been marked as 'lost card' Reattempt not permitted with the
same payment credential
Request alternate payment method
from customer and/or advise the
cardholder to contact their Issuer
42   No universal account.       
43 Fraud/Security-related Details Stolen Card, Pick-up. The cardholder has reported
the card stolen.
1 - Issuer will never approve Use when a card has been marked as 'stolen card'. Reattempt not permitted with the
same payment credential
Request alternate payment method
from customer and/or advise the
cardholder to contact their Issuer
44   No investment account.       
45   Reserved for ISO use.       
46   Closed Account. Do not reattempt with the same PAN or token. (Visa). Use for accounts closed by the Issuer or the
cardholder for any reason
1 - Issuer will never approve Closed account Reattempt not permitted with the
same payment credential
Request alternate payment method
from customer and/or advise the
cardholder to contact their Issuer
47   Reserved for ISO use.       
48   Reserved for ISO use.       
49   Reserved for ISO use.       
50   Reserved for ISO use.       
51 Credit-related Declines Insufficient Funds. Transaction amount exceeds
the cardholders available
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time The card has insufficient funds to complete the purchase Client can reattempt for a lesser amount or at
a later date to allow the cardholder to
fund their debit account or pay down
their credit account
Note: Clients can reduce NSF declines by
implementing the Partial Authorization
service which TabaPay will be rolling out soon. Watch out this space!!
52   No checking account.  2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Debit card tied to Only savings account Customer Should call issuing bank 
53   No savings account.  2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time    
54 Life-Cycle Declines Expired Card /
Expiration Date
Missing. Card is expired, expiration date
is invalid or expiry date not
3 - Data quality issues/Revalidate data Used when the authorization contains an
expired or invalid or missing expiration date.
(Not for recurring transactions)
Validate the expiration date prior to
Monitor reattempts for potential fraud
Enable TabaPay Account Updater
55 Fraud/Security-related Details Incorrect PIN. PIN has failed the PIN
verification process or is not
3 - Data quality issues/Revalidate data Used when the PIN fails the PIN verification
process or is not present in the transaction
when required.
Reattempt with a valid value (re-enter
POS transactions may be reattempted
as a non-PIN transaction if applicable
56   No card record.       
57 Policy Declines Transaction not permitted to CardHolder. A permanent restriction is
placed, most often at the Issuer
BIN level but may be applied at
the account level
1 - Issuer will never approve Used for unsupported transaction types or
permanent restrictions not classified under
other response codes.
Generated by networks for certain transaction typesnot supported by the Issuer
Restriction at the product level
Restriction at the BIN level
Restriction by internal policy (not related to merchants or MCC, in which case Response Code 03 (Invalid merchant) must be used)
Restricted countries (such as OFAC list)
Domestic Use Only cards used for cross border transactions
Transaction without previous customer notification due to issuer policy restrictions
New issued card not activated by the customer
Response Code used by network tools to determine invalid cardholder
Reattempt not permitted
Request alternate payment method
from customer and/or advise the
cardholder to contact their Issuer
58 Policy Declines Transaction not permitted to terminal (may also be a chargeback). Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal   When the transaction POS Entry Mode or the terminal capability does not match the transaction type according to issuer’s policies. May be used in the case of fallback transactions.

May also be used to indicate a merchant restriction (for example, the merchant does not participate in a private label program or is not permitted to offer installments).
Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
59   Suspected fraud. The transaction does not pass
risk monitoring detection
systems or controls.
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used when a transaction fails a fraud rule in the Issuers fraud detection system or at the network's Advise the cardholder to contact their
Issuer and do not reattempt he
transaction until the cardholder
60   Card acceptor contact acquirer.       
61 Policy Declines Exceeds withdrawal amount limit. The AMOUNT activity limit for
the card or account has been
exceeded.-or- The Issuer or
TabaPay Settlement Risk
Exposure Cap has been
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used when the defined amount activity limit
for the account is exceeded.
Used by network when:
– The Issuer or Acquirer settlement risk
exposure cap has been exceeded
– The Issuer defined velocity/amount
limit for Original Credit Transaction
(OCT) has been exceeded.
Do not reattempt the transaction the
same day to allow limits to reset.
Merchant may advise the cardholder to
contact their Issuer
62 Policy Declines Restricted Card
(Card invalid
in Region or Country). A Restriction is placed at the
BIN or cardholder level to
restrict usage in a particular
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used when a transaction is attempted from a country where transactions are restricted
including OFAC or embargoed countries.
Restriction may be temporary or permanent
Should not be used for non-geographic
account restrictions
Restriction at card level (for product level, response code 57 must be used)
Deceased cardholder
Account permanently blocked/cancelled due to high delinquency level
Permanent blocking (cancelled account—by issuer or by cardholder, blocked account)
(Other Issues:card may not be activated or may be payroll)
Do not immediately reattempt.
Merchant may reattempt if the
cardholder confirms the restriction has
been removed.
(Merchant must not alter
country code or other transaction data
to gain approval) 
63 Fraud/Security-related Details Security violation (may also be a chargeback). Security Violation   When suspected fraudulent transactions occur - as response to fraud prevention real-time declines or for accounts/cards temporally blocked due to suspected fraudulent use.   
64   Original amount incorrect, reversal (unsupported).       
65 Policy Declines Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit. The COUNT activity limit for the
card or account has been
exceeded (usually set daily).
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used when the defined count activity limit for the card or account (usually set daily) is
Used for when the transaction exceeds the
Original Credit Transaction (OCT) withdrawal frequency limit if Issuer supports velocity checking.
Do not reattempt the transaction the
same day to allow limits to reset.
Merchant may advise the cardholder to
contact their Issuer
66   Card acceptor call acquirer security.       
67   Hard Capture, Pick-Up.    Fraud issue Cardholder needs to call the issuing bank
68   Response received too late, reversal (unsupported).       
69   Reserved for ISO.       
70   Reserved for ISO.       
71 Technical/Validation Details Reserved for ISO. PIN not changed   When PIN change request was not successfully completed.  
72   Reserved for ISO.       
73   Reserved for ISO.       
74   Reserved for ISO.       
75 Policy Declines Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded. Use when the system defined
number of PIN entry tries is
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time This is an ATM Only Card.
Used when cardholder has entered the
incorrect PIN multiple times.
Excessive attempts may require additional
risk investigations.
Do not reattempt the transaction the
same day to allow limits to reset.
POS transactions may be reattempted
as a non-PIN transaction if applicable
76   Key synchronization error (FIS).       
77   Reserved for private use.       
78   Customer not eligible for POS (Star SM ) OR. Blocked, First Used (Visa). New card that has not been
activated -or- card has been
temporarily blocked due to a
special condition
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time This is an ATM Only Card. Used when a card has been issued but not yet
activated (may trigger alert to cardholder).
May be used for when the account is
temporarily blocked for all transactions due a
special condition (e.g.- delinquency or
cardholder request)
Transaction should not be immediately
Merchant may reattempt if the
cardholder confirms the card has been
activated or reactivated
79   Lifecycle declines.    Lifecycle declines (Expired Card, Invalid Card Number, etc.) Customer Should call issuing bank 
80   Stale dated transaction (Star SM ).       
81   Issuer requested standin.       
82   MasterCard: Issuer Offline.
Issuer declines/ Negative Online CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV
results. Verification of CAM, dCVV,
iCVV, or CVV has failed or was
3 - Data quality issues/Revalidate data Issuer Policy declines (Restricted Card, Transaction Not Permitted, etc.)
Used when a failure for CAM, dCVV, iCVV, CVV or service code within Card Present transactions.
Evaluate for potential fraud
Monitor reattempts for potential fraud and check verification values (CVV especially)
83   Fraud Card-Absent Environment..    Fraud/Security declines (Lost/Stolen Card, Security Violation, etc.) Customer Should call issuing bank 
84   Time limit for pre-authorization reached (VISANet).       
85* Approvals Issuer has no reason to decline the transaction (Account Verification).    For non-financial zero amount transactions.  
86 Technical/Validation Details Cannot verify PIN (VISANet). The PIN cannot be validated 2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used for system malfunctions for ATM
transactions including hardware or processing
system errors.
Used in STIP when the Issuer has not provided
Visa with PIN verification keys or values
Reattempt can occur within
same day.
POS transactions may be reattempted
as a non-PIN transaction if applicable
87 Approvals Check already posted/Purchase Amount Only, No cashback allowed.    When it is a purchase-only approval of a purchase with cash back transaction (Processing Code 09) when cash back is not allowed.  
88 Technical/Validation Details Information not on file. Cryptographic failure   When cryptogram validation or related key processing is unsuccessful  
89   Card verification value (CVV) verification failed (no pickup).    Invalid CVV Customer Should call issuing bank 
90   Cutoff is in progress.       
91 Technical/Validation Details Issuer or Switch is inoperative/unable to respond.
STIP (Stand In Processing) not applicable or available for this transaction
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used by the Issuer/Issuer processor/STIP if the authorization cannot be performed (issuer connectivity, issuer system issue, etc). DO NOT retry immediately.
92 Technical/Validation Details Financial institution or intermediate network unknown for routing. Unable to route the transaction   Network issue Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
93   Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law. Due to government, central
bank or financial institution
agreement, laws or regulations,
the transaction cannot be
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time Used for regulatory restrictions which may be
temporary or permanent. For example::
Gambling transactions
Cardholder has not opted into CNP
No 2nd Factor Authentication on domestic ecommerce transactions.
Do not immediately reattempt.
Merchant may reattempt if the
cardholder confirms the restriction has
been removed (e.g.- cardholder opts–
in to transaction type)
Merchants must not alter transaction
information to gain approval. 
94 Technical/Validation Details Duplicate transaction. Duplicate transaction     Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
95   Reconcile error.       
96 Technical/Validation Details System Malfunction. Transaction does not pass
Issuer system checks on fields.
2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time May be used by the Issuer or Issuer processor to indicate that their system is unable perform the authorization due to system malfunction or critical
message failure.
Used by Visa when errors in messaging are detected that prevent the message from being processed.
When used by the Issuer/Issuer processor, this code does not cause STIP to be invoked. (use N0-Force STIP instead)
(Also, received during nights when issuer goes offline)
Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
97   Reserved for national use.       
98   Reserved for national use.       
99*   Card network fault error.       
100   Do not Honor.    Issuer rejecting for various reasons. Could be a card that is not supported for debt repayment) Cardholder needs to call the issuing bank
101   Expired Card.    Card has expired Customer Should call issuing bank 
106   Pin Exceeded     Pin Exceeded  
107   Refer to card issuer.    Fraud Indicator - Stolen Card Customer Should call issuing bank 
108   Refer to card issuer's special condition.    Fraud Customer Should call issuing bank 
109   Term ID Error.    Invalid Merchant  
110   Amount Error.    Invalid Amount  
111   No Account.    Invalid Account  
114   No account of type requested.    No checking account associated to card Customer Should call issuing bank 
115   Serv Not Allowed.    Service not permitted  
116   Insufficient funds.    The customer does not have enough money in their accounts. Customer Should call issuing bank 
117   Wrong Pin.    Invalid Pin.  
119   Transaction not permitted to cardholder.    Transaction not approved by issuing bank Customer Should call issuing bank 
121   Decline.    Limit Exceeded
123   Exceeds withdawal limit frequency.    Issuers do set limits for debit cards by customers. Cardholder needs to call the issuing bank
125   Expired Card.    Invalid Effective Date.
181   Format Error.    Format Error.
183   Decline.    Invalid Currency Code.
187   Invalid ACCT NBR.    Deny-New Card Issued.
189   Term ID Error.    Deny-Cancelled or Closed Merchant.
200   Hold-Call.    Deny-Pick up Card.
209   Stolen card .    Fraud Indicator - Stolen Card Customer Should call issuing bank 
900   System Error.    ATC Synchronization
908   Transaction destination cannot be found for routing.    Network issue Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
909   System Error.    System Malfunction (CRYPTO ERROR)
912   No Reply.    Issuer not available
0Z-9Z   Reserved for ISO use.       
Z1   Decline.    Offline declined    
Z3   Decline.    Unable to go online    
C2-E0   Reserved for national use (X9.2).       
E1*   Invalid or unsupported SEC.       
E2*   AVS data required.       
E3*   CVV2 data required.       
E4*   Service not allowed. Transaction not permitted to cardholder..       
E5*   Service not allowed. Transaction not permitted to cardholder..       
E6*   Issuer country is blocked.       
E7*   Incorrect MAC was sent.       
E8*   Standard Entry Class requirements were not met.       
E9*   System time out.       
EA*   Account length error.       
EB*   Check digit error.       
EC*   CID format error.       
ED*   Authorization is too old to capture.       
EE*   Card product code is blocked Card product code is blocked.       
EF*   Attempt to process a BRIC transaction on a prior PIN based transaction.       
EG*   CyberSource Time Out Connection to CyberSource timed out.       
EH*   CARD_ENT_METH supplied is not valid or required additional data not provided as defined.       
EI*   CARD_ID is not valid.       
EJ*   Required PIN block not present.       
EK*   Bin is not valid for pinless routing.       
EL*   Signature store did not complete.       
EM*   Debit PIN transactions must be swiped.       
EN*   DB proxy response was not processed within the time out period.       
EO*   Transaction was declined by merchant due to mismatch of CVV2 data.       
EP*   Transaction not allowed as per a validation rule.       
EQ*   There were no available gateway nodes to route transaction.       
ES*   Decline.    Transaction not allowed due to failure of internal validations    
ET*   Format Error.    EMV data is required for card entry method    
EU*   No Reply .    Network rejected the item    
EV*   No Action Taken.    Item Already Captured    
EW*   Format Error.    Failed REGEX Validation    
EX*   Check NBR REQUIR.    Check NBR REQUIR    
EY*   Retry - DIP CARD.    Retry - DIP CARD    
EZ-MZ   Reserved for national use (X9.2).       
N0   Authorization life cycle unacceptable.       
N1   Authorization life cycle expired.       
N2   Non-receipt of requested item (future).       
N3   Non-receipt of requested item, illegible copy (future).       
N4   Transaction exceeds floor limit (future).       
N5   Declined authorization (future).       
N6   Non-matching account numbers (future).       
N7   Decline for CVV2
Failure / Error in addition (future) . Used to indicate that
Authorization request didn’t
pass CVV2 verification.
3 - Data quality issues/Revalidate data Used when a failure of CVV2 within Card Not
Present transactions.
Do not decline CNP transactions for missing
Validate the CVV2 value prior to
Monitor reattempts for potential fraud
N8   Altered amount (future).       
N9   Incorrect account number (future).       
NR   No Debit Route.    No valid debit network available to route    
P0   Missing signature (future).       
P1   Slip without card imprint (future).       
P2   Imprinting of multiple slips (future).       
P3   Canceled pre-authorization transaction (future).       
P4   Delinquent settlement (future).       
P5   Currency conversion error (future).       
P6   Credit posted as a debit (sale) (future).       
P7   Claim or defense (future).       
P8   Non-receipt of goods (future).       
P9   Defective merchandise (future).       
Q1*   Card authentication failed.       
R0   Fraudulent transaction prior to embossed valid date (future). Stop Payment Order 1 - Issuer will never approve Used when a Cardholder requested to stop a
specific single reoccurring payment transaction
Reattempt not permitted
Contact customer regarding
cancellation of this transaction
R1   Credit not Received (future). Revocation of
Authorization Order
1 - Issuer will never approve Used when a Cardholder requested to stop all
recurring payment transactions for a specific
Merchant account.
Reattempt not permitted
Contact customer regarding
cancellation of all transactions from
this Merchant 
R2   Allowable PAN entries warning -- approved.       
R3   Approved with overdraft protection. Revocation of all
Authorizations order
1 - Issuer will never approve Used when a All recurring payments have been
cancelled for the card number in the request.
Reattempt not permitted
Contact customer regarding
cancellation of all recurring
R4   Bad CVV3.       
RR*   Unknown Backend Processing Error.       
S0   Check not acceptable for cash.       
S1   Check not acceptable.       
S2   Check deposit limit exceeded.       
S3   Cash back limit exceeded.       
S4   Check amount does not match courtesy amount.       
S5   PIN not selected.       
S6   PIN already selected.       
S7   Unmatched voucher information.       
S8   Allowable PAN entries exceeded -- denial.       
S9   Expiration date mismatch.       
SA   Inactive card.       
SB   Expiration date mismatch (card pickup).       
SC   Item suspected for stop pay.       
SD   Account closed.       
SE   Ineligible account.       
SF   Item submitted more than two times.       
SG   No account on file - absolute.       
SH   Unable to locate.       
SI   General denial.       
SJ   Item settled via ACH.       
SK   Cross-reference card not found.       
SL   Category limit exceeded.       
SM   Transaction limit exceeded.       
SN   Daily limit exceeded.       
SO   Monthly limit exceeded.       
SP   Invalid secret code.       
SQ   PIN key sync error.       
SR   Bad CVV2.       
SS   Stop payment order.       
ST   Revocation of authorization order.       
SV   Stop reoccurring payments.       
T3   Lost card (no pickup).       
T4   Closed account.       
T5   Dormant account.       
T6   Special conditions (no pick-up).       
T7   Purchase only approval for purchase with cash back transaction..       
T9   Insufficient funds for fees.       
TA   ARQC validation failed for chip card.       
TB   Unsafe PIN.       
U0-YZ   Reserved for private use.       
Z5*   Valid account but amount not supported.  2 - Issuer cannot approve at this time    
ZD*   MasterCard Send (MoneySend) Error due to Expiration Date.       
ZN*   MasterCard MoneySend Decline due to Card was Declined.    Various reasons for decline Cardholder needs to call the issuing bank
ZR*   MasterCard MoneySend Decline due to Unsupported Card.    BIN not supported. Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
ZU*   MasterCard MoneySend Error due to an Unknown Reason.    Unknown Email TabaPay Support at [email protected]
ZX*   MasterCard Send (MoneySend) Decline due to an Unknown Reason.       
ZY*   MasterCard Send (MoneySend) Request in Unknown Status.       
ZZ*   MasterCard Send (MoneySend) Request in Unknown Status.       
1A*   Decline.    Additional Customer Authentication Required    
6P*   Decline.    Verification data failed    
B1*   Decline.    Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards    
DA*   Invalid Fleet.    Required fleet prompts invalid or missing    

Note: Not all Networks may return this Network Response Code.


Visa Category Codes

See the Visa Category Response Codes and their descriptions. Review any Visa updates.

Points to consider

  • For credential on file transactions, evaluate use of automated customer messaging, alerts or emails when receiving successive declines or the reattempt threshold is reached.
  • Use account verification messages to validate the account number when adding credential on file or when goods or services will be provided in advance of charging the customer.
  • Consider additional verification for first-time customers such as CVV2 or Address verification (non-recurring payments or card on file),

Design e-commerce platforms to:

  • Validate purchase activity to reduce authorization requests with invalid data (for example, use of Mod-10 or expiration date checks)
  • Display meaningful decline messages to identify data that needs to be re-validated prior to resubmitting the authorization. When receiving Category 1 response codes, customers may be advised to contact their card Issuer
  • Utilize velocity of spend controls to reduce risk of account testing and apply Captcha-like solutions to mitigate bots that reattempt transactions on a continuous basis.
    • If using batch authorization processing do not sort batches by account number or BIN. Sorting transactions may flood Issuer systems and/or appear to be a fraud attack which could result in declines.
    • Consider using fraud-scoring solutions e.g. authenticating transactions via EMV 3D Secure.

Questions? Contact Sales or make a post