ACH and RTP are separate payment methods with the The Clearing House (TCH). You can choose to enable one or both with TabaPay for your use cases.


NetworkAutomated Clearing House (ACH) via The Clearing House (TCH)Real Time Payments (RTP> via The Clearing House (TCH)
AvailabilityMonday – Friday, excluding Federal Reserve holidays.
File based -> Same day: 7:00 AM PT; Next day: 5:30 PM PT
API -> Same day and Next day: 12:00 PM PT (Same window)
Settlement TimeSame Day & Next Day Instant
Payment FlowCredit / push & Debit / pullCredit / push, Receive & Request for Payment RfP
Maximum Payment Limit$1,000,000 USD$10,000,000 USD
ParticipationAll U.S. bank and credit union accountsAny federally insured U.S. depository institution can be an RTP network participant.

Configurable fields in an ACH Bank Statement

Bank Statement Field TabaPay default Override
Company Name Merchant Name
Configured during on-boarding
Soft Descriptor Name

RTP Bank Statement Details

For an example, refer to RTP Bank Statement.

  • Reference Number
  • Date
  • Name of Sender
  • Name of Ultimate Sender ("Payment on behalf of...")
  • Amount

Configurable fields in an RTP Bank Statement

Bank Statement Field TabaPay default Configurable? Override
Reference Number referenceID No N/A
Date Date of RTP Request No N/A
Name of Sender Merchant Name Configured during on-boarding Yes Soft Descriptor Name
Name of Ultimate Sender N/A Yes Corresponding Name
Amount amount N N/A

Reason Codes for DELETE Transaction

If you are sending a Request for Return of Funds, use any of the following codes in the reasonCode JSON field:

  • AC03 - Invalid Creditor Account Number. The original transaction was a mistake or erroneous.
  • AM09 - Wrong Amount. The original credit transfer transaction was the wrong amount.
  • CUST - Requested By Customer
  • DUPL - Duplicate Payment
  • FRAD - Fraudulent Origin. Debtor claims payment was unauthorized or fraudulently induced.
  • FRTR - Final Response (repeat attempt prior to non-response)
  • TECH - Technical Problem. An erroneous transaction was sent due to a technical mistake
  • UPAY - Undue Payment (Payment has been made through another channel)

If you are responding to a Request for Return of Funds), use any of the following codes in the reasonCode JSON field:

  • ACTC - Accepted. The Request for Return of Funds has been accepted.
  • AC04 - Closed Account. The account number specified has been closed on the receiver's books.
  • AM04 - Insufficient Funds. The amount of funds available to cover specified requested reversal amount is insufficient.
  • ARDT - Already Returned
  • CUST - Customer Decision.
  • LEGL - Legal Decision. Reported when request for reversal cannot be accepted due to legal reasons
  • NOAS - No Answer From Customer.
  • NOOR - No Original Transaction Received. Original transaction that is requested to be reversed, was never received.

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