Account Updater Best Practices

Improve recurring payment approval rates and decrease operational costs with current credentials.

Account Updater enables clients who store tokenized cards on file with TabaPay to use the current credentials for recurring payments and other merchant-initiated transactions. One-third of card credentials change each year, significantly impacting merchants' ability to successfully process transactions and bottom lines. These payment declines can increase the risk of customer attrition, compromise sales, and potentially increase expensive customer service interactions.

Account changes inconvenience customers and can affect their relationship with merchants. According to Mastercard, declines can be reduced by one-third with updated account information. Using Account Updater extends the lifecycle of recurring payments and helps secure these ongoing, revenue-generating relationships.

Using data from the card networks and issuers, Account Updater checks, validates, and updates cardholder account information due to:

  • The card was replaced, reissued, expired, lost, or stolen
  • The account has been closed, upgraded, or downgraded
  • The Issuer portfolio was acquired, merged or converted

How Account Updater Works

  1. Clients in good standing with card network risk management programs and >20% high-risk activity can register for the Account Updater service.
  2. Account Updater runs weekly on client-stored tokens with the following criteria:
    1. Expiration date is within the next month
    2. Expired, RC 54
    3. Lost/stolen, RC 14
  3. Account updater either validates, updates, or advises of another condition with a response code.
  4. The client receives a .csv file with the results so they can prompt cardholders to update or select a new default card (see sample report).
  5. Closed Account (RC 46) and Lifecycle declines (RC 79) along with inactive credentials/tokens are excluded by default to prevent unnecessary Account Updater costs.
  6. After the initial run, costs will decrease since fewer tokens will meet the criteria.

Account Updater Sample Report

ISOAccount IDBINLast 4ExpiryBrandNew BINNew Last4New ExpiryNew BrandFeeReasonCode

Visa Response Codes

CodeResponseUpdateVisa FeeSuggested Client Action
AAccount number updatedYes$0.12Client should update records to remove old credentials
EExpiration date updatedYes$0.12Client should update records to remove old credentials
CClosed account adviceNo$0.12Prompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
QContact cardholder adviceNo$0.12Prompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
OCardholder opted-outNoNoNone
VValidation, account number and expiration date unchangedNoNoNone
PParticipating BIN, no matchNoNoPrompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
NNon-participating BINNoNoPrompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
101Non-numeric account numberNoNoPrompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
103Invalid expiryNoNoPrompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
104Merchant not registeredNoNoContact
122Sub-merchant not registeredNoNoContact

Mastercard Response Codes

CodeResponseUpdateMC FeeSuggested Client Action
UPDATEAccount number updatedYes$0.13Client should update records to remove old credentials
EXPIRYExpiration date updatedYes$0.13Client should update records to remove old credentials
CONTACAccount ClosedNoNoPrompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
UNKNWNAccount not foundNoNoPrompt cardholder to update or select a new default card and remove old credentials
VALIDValid, details unchangedNoNoNone

Account Updater helps clients improve the performance of recurring payments. With a third of credentials changing annually and a 33% decrease in declines, clients storing tokens with TabaPay are advised to use Account Updater.

Please email if you have any further questions.

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