Monthly Account Summary (Monthly)
Merchant Summary Report of transactions, fees and settlement including purchases, refunds, chargebacks, and fees paid to networks.
Report Names
If you are configured to receive reports at the ISO level, the file name format will be: ISO_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. 1234_20251017_reportname.csv)
If you are configured to receive reports at the MID level, the file format name will be: ISO_MID_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. e.g. 1234_321_20251017_reportname.csv)
Position in CSV | CSV Field | Notes |
1 | ISO | ISO |
2 | MID | MID |
3 | Date | Date |
4 | Purchase | Money in |
5 | Credits | Representment - merchant paid Return – merchant paid <this is a returned disbursement |
6 | Refunds | Processed reversal |
7 | Disbursements | Money out |
8 | Chargebacks | Customer disputes that are sent back to issuer |
9 | Adjustments | A debit received from network related to prior transaction. Look at Exception description. A credit received from network related to prior transaction |
10 | Settlement Total | Total amount received from network |
11 | Interchange | Daily interchange fees paid to networks |
12 | Network Fees | Daily network fees paid to networks |
13 | TabaPay Fees | Daily TabaPay fees |
14 | Fee Total | Sum of 3 fees |
15 | Total | Net proceeds to merchant |
Updated 10 days ago