Summary (Daily)

The Summary report shows the debits and credits to the merchant settlement account. The Transaction detail will reconcile the Summary report.

Key Fields

ISO#4-digit ISO number
Example: 1234
Example: TabaPay
MID4, 6, or 8-digit SubClientID of program
Example: 0001
MerchantMerchant Name
Example: MerchantA
Acct last4
Purchase #Total number of successful pull transactions
Purchase $Total dollar amount of successful pull transactions
Credits #Total number of merchant representments (chargebacks)
Credits $Total dollar amount of merchant representments (chargebacks)
Refund #Total number of successful refund transactions
Refund $Total dollar amount of successful refund transactions
Disburse #Total number of successful push transactions
Disburse$Total dollar amount of push transactions
Chgbk #Total number of chargebacks received
Chgbk $Total dollar amount of chargebacks received
Adjust #Total number of manual adjustments
Adjust $Total dollar amount of manual adjustments
Merchant total #Sum of Purchase #, Credits #, Refund #, Disburse #, Chgbk #, Adjust #
Merchant total $Sum of Purchase $, Credits $, Refund $, Disburse $, Chgbk $, Adjust $
Indicative Interchange $Total dollar amount of interchange
Actual Interchange Difference $Only present in exceptions cases (i.e. missing network reports, etc.)
Net fee $Total dollar amount of fees
Total #Sum of Purchase #, Credits #, Refund #, Disburse #, Chgbk #, Adjust #
Total $Sum of Purchase $, Credits $, Refund $, Disburse $, Chgbk $, Adjust $, Indicative Interchange $