How the Unified API Works

One Integration for your payments platform.

🏁 New To TabaPay? Start Here

1. Learn

If you are just learning about TabaPay you can begin at Getting Started, and About TabaPay.

2. Chat

To make your first API call, you will first need access to Sandbox. Talk to sales to discuss your use case or get help at [email protected].

3. Test

Once you have access to sandbox from TabaPay Support, look at some code samples with recipes or feel free to post your questions in the developer forum.


Payload Should Be Compact

Each API request body should be formatted in compact JSON when sending a request to the TabaPay API.

Note: If you don’t have access to sandbox, please reach out to [email protected] .

The TabaPay Unified API helps you accept payments and payout funds with one seamless integration.

Supported Payment Instruments and Use Cases

TabaPay Unified API allows great flexibility with respect to the incoming payment instrument

Request for Request using (for Source or Destination Account) Detail
Pull or Push

[Pull from Card, Push to Card, Push to Account
Availability: US and Worldwide]
Payment Card OR Payment Card is card number that is key entered by your user manually or available to you to send to TabaPay
Bank Account Information OR Where you provide us with the Bank Account Number and RTN
TabaPay Token (Account ID) OR Where you have previously stored a payment card with TabaPay (for PCI reasons), and are in possession of an Account ID.
You will be able to create TabaPay tokens using our Create Account API
Network Token OR Where your user has selected:
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- E-Commerce or Card on File Token

Where the token is provided by the card network to a Token Requestor.
Note: Network Token may be accompanied by an ECI value as well as a token cryptogram
Processor Token Where you have obtained a token from an Issuer processor for a payment instrument (card or bank account)

Benefits of Unified API

Benefit Description
Low Cost With TabaPay's intelligent routing, we are able to obtain lowest per transaction cost (inclusive of network fees and interchange) for all relevant MCCs
High Authorization Rates Across MCCs in "pull" and "push", we have been noticing significantly high authorization rates of over 95%
Low Fraud Rates For all use cases - money in and money out, and across all MCCs - our fraud rates are lowest.
Low Chargeback Rates We notice less than 0.1% in chargeback rates. Talk to us to find out Chargeback rates across use cases and industries.


ACH and Bill Payments

Currently, we offer file-based support for ACH and BillPayments (using RPPS).

Start Testing with some Code Samples!

A few samples to get you started!

Questions? Contact Sales or make a post