Adjusting Limits

A proactive limit increase request is always the best approach to minimize negative consumer experience.

Adjusting Client Limits

In the event you need to adjust either one of the client limits, Contact Support.

  1. On the page, select Request Limit Increase and complete the fields.
  2. Please include “Client Name - Limit Change” in the subject line and provide a justification for the desired increase or decrease of the limit(s).

Limits cannot cause the client to exceed network limits based on use case. We encourage clients to review their limits periodically in TabaPay Client Portal.

Limit Configurations

We configure two systemic limits per transaction type, push or pull, which are set at the parent level using the Client ID:

  1. Per transaction amount
  2. Daily aggregate volume.

If a client processes a transaction that exceeds the set limit, they will receive a “Transaction Limit” error.

The daily aggregate limit is a 24-rolling limit and is based on network cutoff times. Clients can set low balance alerts with TabaPay in order to be notified when their transaction activity reaches 90% of the daily limit.

Note: that in order to increase the daily Push limit, the client needs to have the appropriate amount of funds wired to the Sponsor Bank to receive approval. Additionally, some limit requests may be subject to further Sponsor Bank approval.

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