Visa + FAQs

Visa + FAQs for TabaPay Developers.

Common Questions

Visa + is a brand new service from Visa, subject to change as it continues to grow and evolve. Please make sure you check back periodically to see if there are any new services/features for Visa +.

Can we do pull transactions with a Payname?

No, Visa + paynames are PUSH only payment instruments. You can only send money to a payname, never pull from it.

What are the limits?

Note: subject to change


How are limits set?

Limits are set during the due diligence process for your business and associated use cases. These limits cannot exceed the network limits, and are often times significantly below the network limits.

See below for more information regarding network limits.

Per transaction limits:

TabaPay client is responsible for maintaining these limts.

Use casePer transaction limit
Per payname limits:

You are encouraged to enforce these limits.


Important note regarding recipient limits

One important thing to note is that these limits are enforced on the recipient's side, and are enforced for ALL transactions received by the recipient.

For example, if the recipient has already received $10,000 today from any other source, you might not be able to push any funds to this Payname even if it is your first time doing so today. There is currently no way of knowing if the payname has hit their daily, seven day, or thirty day limit already.

Time periodLimits
One day$10,000
Seven day$25,000
Thirty day$50,000

Will I always get back a name in Query Tag?

Note: subject to change

If the payname exists, you will get the name associated with it.

What if the payname does not exist?

We recommend that you use the Query Tag API before any Visa + transaction to make sure that the payname does exist, and to check if the associated information matches what you have on record. If a payname was deleted, or does not exist, then you will receive a 404 response.

What if the wallet user rejects the transaction?

Visa + transactions follow the same rules as a Push-to-Card transaction. The end user would not be able to reject the transaction (as of this time).

There are other legitimate reasons for a Visa + transaction to be rejected (going over the limits, payname does not exist, account is closed, etc.). However, this is not one of them.

Can an end user change their payname?

Yes. The ability to change a payname is determined by the payname issuer. If a payname issuer decides to provide that functionality, then the end user will have that ability. If a payname issuer decides NOT to provide that functionality, then the end user will NOT have that ability. As a payment originator, you will have no way of knowing if an end use has changed their payname.

How do I get started with Visa +?

Please contact [email protected] for more information on Visa +.

Can I store Paynames?

Yes, you can store paynames.

Do I need to encrypt Paynames before sending them to TabaPay?

No, Paynames can be sent to us normally.

Can I use Visa + to push money internationally?

Currently, Visa + only supports domestic transactions.

How do network response codes work for Visa +?

Visa + uses the same network response codes as debit/credit card transactions.

Questions? Contact Sales or make a post