Network Transaction ID

Per the October 2024 Visa Mandate, all OCTs must include network transaction Identifier from preceding Account Funding Transaction. Applies to Money-Transfer Original Credit Transactions, both Domestic and Cross-border.


Effective October 18, 2024

Visa requires including the transaction ID from a preceding Account Funding Transaction into an Original Credit Transaction message where available

The business reasons for this enhancement include, but are not limited to:
• Enhancement to Existing Acceptance Channels
• Global Rule, Legal, or Regulatory
• Risk Management

Clients must store and send the network ID from the original Account Funding Transaction (regardless of whether it is processed via TabaPay) and provide it in the subsequent Original Credit Transaction via TabaPay.

Applies to both domestic and cross-border OCTs.


Required on both Domestic and Cross-border OCTs

Talk to your TabaPay Account Manager should you have questions.

How do I send this information?

TabaPay's Unified Create Transaction API supports clients to send in Source of Funds field.

Push transactions

In a push transaction, if and when applicable, populate the Network Transaction ID from the preceding Account Funding Transaction n the corresponding ID in the Create Transaction API.

Corresponding ID can apply to Push or Pull

See below on how they differ.