Network Fee Guide

The purpose of this guide is to create transparency as to how Network fees are calculated and charged to the customer. Per customer contracts, network fees are passed on to the customer based on usage per customer. This guide can be used to calculate how TabaPay calculates the network fees in the invoices sent at month end and debited daily.

TabaPay has integrations with the following networks:
• Visa
• Mastercard
• Discover
• American Express
• Pulse
• Accel
• Star

TabaPay is also integrated with The Clearing House’s RTP Network.

Due to the dynamic nature of the payments ecosystem, fees are subject to change over time.


For Additional Interchange Information

For any further assistance, please reach out to us:
TabaPay Support | [email protected] | 415-980-8222, Option 3 | 8am – 5pm PT

USA Fees

The following fees apply to networks in the United States.


Visa Network Fees

VCAVisa credit assessment0.140%Charged on all settled Visa Purchases using a credit card
VDA / VDBAVisa debit assessment0.130%Charged on all settled Visa Purchases using a debit card
VDCFVisa Digital Commerce Services Fee0.0075%Charged on all approved or denied card-not-present Visa transactions (instead of just cleared and settled transactions).
VNAPFCVisa authorization Fee - Credit$0.0195Charged on all Visa authorizations using a US credit card
VNAPFCIVisa authorization Fee - Credit International$0.0395Charged on all Visa authorizations using a non-US credit card
VNAPFDVisa authorization Fee - Debit$0.0155Charged on all Visa authorizations using a US debit card
VNAPFDIVisa authorization Fee - Debit International$0.0355Charged on all Visa authorizations using a non-US debit card
VXBFVisa Intl service fee + Int Acq. Fee1.450%Charged on all settled Visa Purchases using a non-US card
VAVSCVisa AVS credit$0.04Charged on all standalone account verification requests with a Visa credit card
VAVSDVisa AVS debit$0.0300Charged on all standalone account verification requests with a Visa debit card
VANIVisa ANI fee$0.1000Charged when match is performed.
VAVSIVisa AVS - Intl card$0.0700Charged on all standalone account verification requests with a non-US card
VEXSVisa Excessive Retry$0.1000Merchant attempts to authorize a transaction that had previously received a Category 1 decline
VEXSVisa Excessive Retry – International$0.1500Merchant attempts to authorize a transaction that had previously received a Category 1 decline
VPAVSVisa AVS Service Fee$0.0000Charged on all CNP auth requests and 0 amount account verifications where AVS is not requested
VTIFVisa Integrity Fee$0.1000Charged on all Visa ecommerce and MOTO transactions without use of address/zip
VDTRVisa Decline Transaction Resubmission$0.1000Charged on the 16th+ consecutive cat 2-4 error or 2nd+ cat 1 error within 30 days on US card
VDTRXVisa Decline Transaction Resubmission - non-US issuer$0.1500Charged on the 16th+ consecutive cat 2-4 error or 2nd+ cat 1 error within 30 days on non-US card
VBII / VSNAFVisa Report Line Fee$0.002Charged on all authorized Visa transactions - Purchases, Reversals, Disbursements, Chargebacks, Representments
VGWYVisa gateway fee for non-Visa networks$0.0300Charged on all authorizations sent through Visa to a non-Visa card
VFANFVisa Fixed acquirer network feeVaries - Chart BelowCharged monthly on settled Visa Purchase $s
VKBFVisa File Transmission Fee$0.0025Charged on all settled Visa transactions
VUPDTVisa Account Updater$0.12Visa Account Updater - fee per account matched
VHIRFVisa High Integrity Risk Fees$0.10/Txn + 0.10%Fee for each CNP transaction processed for telemarketing, dating services, and gambling (betting, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips).
CVV2FCard Verification Value 2 Fee$0.002825 per Match/No Match resultCard Verification Value 2 (CVV2) fee when it yields a match/no match.
VCOMVisa Commercial Fee0.01%Charged on all settled Visa Purchases using a commercial card
Visa+All card types for VISA+Email [email protected] for pricingCharged on all successful Visa+ transactions. Email [email protected] for pricing.


Visa Excessive Retry fees effective April 2022

See accompanying guide on Visa Excessive Retry fees effective April 2022

VFANF - Visa Fixed acquirer network fee

Monthly feeMonthly tier
$70,000.00> $400,000,000.00

Mastercard Network Fees

MASASMastercard Assessment0.1400%Charged on all settled Mastercard Debit and Credit Purchases
MASAS1kMastercard Assessment >=$1k0.1500%Additional amount charged on all settled Mastercard Purchases >= $1,000 USD
MCDEFMastercard Digital Enablement >=$1000.0200%Charged on all settled Mastercard Purchase authorizations, success or failure, except response code 51 (NSF). Capped at $0.40 ≥$1k
MCDEFMastercard Digital Enablement$0.02Charged on all settled Mastercard Purchase authorizations, success or failure, except response code 51 (NSF).

Note: MC AVS $0 (Query Card with AVS) fees are charged the MCDEF fee at $0.02.
MPOSMastercard Maestro Fee$0.025Charged on all settled Mastercard transaction routed through Maestro
MNABUMastercard Net Access Brand Usage$0.0195Charged on all Mastercard Authorizations. Non-domestic US are $0.0295
MALFMastercard acq license fee0.0100%Charged on all settled Mastercard Purchases
MPAVSMastercard AVS authorization$0.0100Charged for each non-$0 authorization where the cardholder's address and/or zip is used
MARFMastercard reversal fee$0.005Charged on all Purchase reversals
MCXBFMastercard cross border fee1.4500%Charged on all settled Purchases where the card is issued outside the US
MEXSMastercard Excessive Retries$0.3000Charged after receiving 35 declines on the same card within a 30 day period or 10 declines in a 24 hour period. Will be $0.50 in 2025.
MEXSMastercard Decline Reason$0.0200Charged on cnp auth requests decline with a response text or merchant advice code
MCAVSIMastercard AVS - Intl card$0.0300Charged on all standalone AVS requests on a non-US card
Note: Different from Account Status Inquiries
MCEXCMastercard excessive authorizations$0.1000Charged on the 21st failed Purchase attempt in a 24-hour period
MC3DSMastercard 3DS 2.0 attempts0.0100%Charged on all MC authorized amounts using 3ds 2.0 - $0.10 cap
MCLOCMastercard Location fee$1.2500Charged on all merchant locations and URLs
MKBFMastercard Kilobyte (KB) Access Fee$0.0035Charged on all Mastercard Authorizations
MUPDTMastercard Account Updater$0.13Mastercard Account Updater - per/Updated account
MEXSExcessive Auth Integrity Fee$0.15Charged on retries beyond 35 times in a 30 day period. Fee will increase to $0.30 on 1/1/2024 and $0.50 on 1/1/2025
MASIMastercard ASI Fee$0.025Charged on all settled Mastercard Account Status Inquiries
Note: Different from Mastercard AVS International

Discover Network Fees

DASDiscover Assessments0.1400%Charged on all settled Discover Purchases
DUFDiscover Usage Fee$0.0025Charged on all settled Discover Purchases
DNAFDiscover Network Auth Fee$0.0190Charged on all Discover Authorizations
DAVSAddress Verification Fee$0.0050On all auth requests where AVS required
DAVSAccount Verification Service Fee$0.0200On all account verification (zero-dollar auth requests)
Digital Investment Fee0.0100%On all key entered sales
DISFDiscover International Service Fee0.8000%Charged on all settled Discover Purchases with a non-US card or cardholder
DAUPTDiscover Network Account Updater$0.1Charged on all Updated Accounts*

Accel, STAR, NYCE, PULSE Network Fees

ASWIAccel switch fee0.10% + $0.02Accel switch fee for a PINLess Authorization
ASWIAccel switch fee$0.10Debit failure
SSWIDSTAR switch fee - PINless debit0.10% + $0.015STAR switch fee for a PINless debit settled Purchases
SSWIASTAR switch fee - PINless debit failure$0.10STAR switch fee for a PINless debit failed Authorizations
SSWIRSTAR switch fee - PINless refund$0.10STAR switch fee for a PINless refund Authorizations
SSWICSTAR switch fee - PINless credit$0.0500STAR switch fee for a PINless credit Authorizations
NSWINYCE switch fee$0.0500NYCE switch fee charged on all Authorizations
NSWIPNYCE switch fee0.07%NYCE switch fee charged on all settled purchases
PSWIPULSE switch fee0.10% + $0.03PULSE switch fee charged on all Authorizations.

Amex OptBlue

OptBlue rates: 0.165% (16.5 bps) assessments, $0.02 transaction fee, and interchange (listed below).

Card Not Present transactions may have an additional 0.30% fee (Non-Swiped Transaction Fee).

OptBlue Interchange

DescriptionTransaction SizeRate
AMEX RETAIL< $751.60 % + 10¢
AMEX RETAIL< $1,0001.95 % + 10¢
AMEX RETAIL> $1,0002.40 % + 10¢
AMEX SERVICES< $52.00 % + 2¢
AMEX SERVICES< $151.60 % + 4¢
AMEX SERVICES< $2501.70 % + 10¢
AMEX SERVICES< $3,0002.00 % + 10¢
AMEX SERVICES> $3,0002.40 % + 10¢
AMEX RESTAURANT< $52.00 % + 2¢
AMEX RESTAURANT< $151.60 % + 4¢
AMEX RESTAURANT< $301.85 % + 10¢
AMEX RESTAURANT< $1502.50 % + 10¢
AMEX RESTAURANT> $1502.85 % + 10¢
AMEX HEALTHCARE< $1501.55 % + 10¢
AMEX HEALTHCARE< $2,0001.85 % + 10¢
AMEX HEALTHCARE> $2,0002.30 % + 10¢
AMEX B2B/WHOLESALE< $4001.65 % + 10¢
AMEX B2B/WHOLESALE< $7,5001.90 % + 10¢
AMEX B2B/WHOLESALE> $7,5002.35 % + 10¢
AMEX PREPAID< $751.35 % + 10¢
AMEX PREPAID< $1,0001.70 % + 10¢
AMEX PREPAID> $1,0002.15 % + 10¢
AMEX EDUCATION< $1001.45 % + 10¢
AMEX EDUCATION< $3,0001.80 % + 10¢
AMEX EDUCATION> $3,0002.05 % + 10¢
AMEX EMERGING MARKETS< $1,2001.43 % + 10¢
AMEX EMERGING MARKETS< $4,0002.05 % + 10¢
AMEX EMERGING MARKETS> $4,0002.70 % + 10¢
AMEX GOVERNMENT< $1001.55 % + 10¢
AMEX GOVERNMENT< $3,0001.70 % + 10¢
AMEX GOVERNMENT> $3,0001.90 % + 10¢
AMEX OTHER< $1001.50 % + 10¢
AMEX OTHER< $3,0001.85 % + 10¢
AMEX OTHER> $3,0002.30 % + 10¢


Network disbursements fees to payout funds from a US bank account.

Visa Network Fees

VNAPFCVisa authorization Fee - Credit$0.0195Charged on all Visa authorizations using a US credit card
VNAPFCIVisa authorization Fee - Credit International$0.0395Charged on all Visa authorizations using a non-US credit card
VNAPFDVisa authorization Fee - Debit$0.0155Charged on all Visa authorizations using a US debit card
VNAPFDIVisa authorization Fee - Debit International$0.0355Charged on all Visa authorizations using a non-US debit card
VBII / VSNAFVisa Base II system file fee$0.002Charged on all settled Visa transactions - Purchases, Reversals, Disbursements, Chargebacks, Representments
VDF / VDISVisa Disbursement Fee0.1000%Charged on all settled Visa Disbursements capped at $0.25
VDISVisa Disbursement Fee (Program Specific)0.025%Charged on all settled Visa Disbursements capped at $0.25 (Program Specific)
Note: Will be updated to 0.10%, capped at $0.25 effective April 1, 2025.
VDISVisa Disbursement Fee (Program Specific)$0.02Charged on all settled Visa Disbursements capped at $0.25 (Program Specific)
VDFIVisa Disbursement Intl0.5000% + $0.100Charged on all settled Visa Disbursements to non-US cards. Capped at $1.9
VGWYVisa gateway fee$0.0300Charged on all non-Visa card Authorizations using the Visa gateway

Mastercard Network Fees

MMNF / MDFMastercard MoneySend fee0.15% + $0.10Charged on all settled Mastercard Disbursements (MoneySend) to a US card. Capped at $0.35
MMNFIMastercard MoneySend fee - Intl0.70% + $0.55Charged on all settled Mastercard Disbursements (MoneySend) to a non-US card. Capped at $3.75
MRPPSRPPS Bill Payment$0.055Per payment - success or failure
MPOSMastercard Maestro Fee$0.025Charged on all settled Mastercard transaction routed through Maestro

Accel, STAR, NYCE, PULSE Network Fees

ASWIAccel switch fee$0.1000Accel switch fee for a PINLess Authorization*
SSWICSTAR switch fee - PINless credit$0.0500STAR switch fee for a PINless credit Authorizations
NSWINYCE switch fee$0.0500NYCE switch fee charged on all Authorizations
PSWIPULSE switch fee0.10% + $0.03PULSE switch fee charged on all Authorizations. Capped at $0.22 (includes PULSE security fee).
Note: The fixed $0.03 is charged on all authorizations, but the 0.10% is only on successful transactions.
RTPReal-Time Payment$0.045Fee charged per completed RTP transaction

The Clearing House (TCH) Fees

Credit Transfer Sent$0.045Charged on all disbursements sent.
Request for Payment Sent$0.01Charged on all disbursements sent.
Remittance Advice Sent$0.01Charged on all disbursements sent.
Pre-funded Balance Account Drawdown
Request Executed
$2.00Charged on all requests.
RfP Requested$0.10Charged on all requests

Canadian Fees

The following fees apply to networks in Canada.

Note: All network fees US, or Canadian are listed in USD. If billed in CAD, network fee will be converted to CAD (e.g. "1.44, or exchange rate" x $0.01 for Visa AVS).


For Additional Interchange Information


Network fees accepting purchases settling into a Canadian bank account.

Visa Network Fees

LabelDescriptionRate (USD)Application
VDA / VDBAVisa debit assessment0.090%Charged on all settled Visa Purchases using a debit card
VAVSVisa AVS Domestic$0.01Charged on all standalone account verification requests with a Visa card
VAVSIVisa AVS International$0.02Charged on all standalone account verification requests with a non-US card
VUPDTVisa Account Updater$0.09Charged on all matches for Visa card
VNAPFDNAPF Debit$0.0155Charged on all Visa authorizations using a CAD debit card
VNAPFCNAPF Credit$0.0195Charged on all Visa authorizations using a CAD credit card
VNAPFDINAPF Debit International$0.0355Charged on all Visa authorizations using a non-CAD debit card
VNAPFCINAPF Credit International$0.0395Charged on all Visa authorizations using a non-CAD credit card
VBII / VSNAFVisa Report Line Fee$0.0020Charged on all authorized Visa transactions - Purchases, Reversals, Disbursements, Chargebacks, Representments
VKBFVisa File Transmission Fee$0.0025Charged on all settled Visa CAD transactions

Mastercard Network Fees

LabelDescriptionRate (USD)Application
MASASDebit assessment0.087%Charged on all settled Mastercard Debit and Credit Purchases
MCDEF/MDEFMastercard Digital Enablement0.020%Charged on all settled Mastercard Purchase authorizations, success or failure, except response code 51 (NSF). Minimum at 0.02. Capped at $0.40.
MALFMastercard acq license fee0.01%Charged on all settled Mastercard CAD Purchases
MKBFMastercard Kilobyte (KB) Access Fee$0.0035Charged on all Mastercard CAD Authorizations


Network disbursements fees to payout funds from a Canadian bank account.

Visa Network Fees

LabelDescriptionRate (USD)Application
VDF / VDISDisbursement Fee$0.10Charged on all settled Visa CAD Disbursements
VDFIVisa Disbursement Intl$0.10 + (50bps w/cap of $1.80)Charged on all settled Visa Disbursements to non-US cards. Capped at $1.80
VKBFVisa File Transmission Fee$0.0025Charged on all settled Visa CAD transactions

Mastercard Network Fees

LabelDescriptionRate (USD)Application
MMNF / MDFDisbursement Fee$0.15Charged on all settled Mastercard Disbursements (MoneySend) to a CAD card
MMNFIXB Disbursement Fee$0.55 + 70bpsCharged on all settled Mastercard Disbursements (MoneySend) to a non-CAD card. Capped at $3.75
MKBFMastercard Kilobyte (KB) Access Fee$0.0035Charged on all Mastercard CAD Authorizations

Questions? Contact Sales or make a post