Reported Fraud (Daily)

This daily report contains the purchase (pull/debit) transactions that have been reported as fraudulent by the cardholder/cardholder’s issuing bank to Mastercard and Visa.


Report Names

If you are configured to receive reports at the ISO level, the file name format will be: ISO_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. 1234_20251017_reportname.csv)

If you are configured to receive reports at the MID level, the file format name will be: ISO_MID_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. e.g. 1234_321_20251017_reportname.csv)

Position in CSVFieldDescription
1ISO4-Digit ID assigned by TabaPay
2MIDMerchant ID (Identifies a specific program/merchant under the ISO)
3Reference IDreferenceID sent by the merchant in the Create Transaction API request
4Transaction IDtransactionID sent by TabaPay in the Create Transaction API response

transactionID is a unique ID to represent a transaction request within the TabaPay environment
5Merchant NameMerchant descriptor as it appears on the cardholder's statement
6MCCMerchant Category Code
7ARNAcquirer Reference Number
8Card NumberMasked PAN
9Original Transaction DateDate of the original transaction

10Original Transaction AmountAmount of the original transaction
11Reported Fraud DateDate that fraud was reported

12NetworkVisa or Mastercard
13Fraud TypeNumeric Visa and Mastercard Fraud Type Codes
14Fraud DescriptionText description of Visa and Mastercard Fraud Type Codes

Visa Fraud Type Codes

Fraud TypeDescription
0Lost: Cardholder is NOT in possession of card and does not know what happened to it
1Stolen: Cardholder is NOT in possession of card and may have an explanation as to how the card went missing (e.g. stolen wallet)
2NRI: Not Received as Issued - card was mailed but never received by cardholder
3Fraud Application: Account was opened based on true name or synthetic cardholder information
4Counterfeit: Cardholder is in possession of card; Card Present transactions have occurred that were not made by the cardholder
5Miscellaneous: Cannot be categorized under another Fraud Type, such as but not limited to:

- Multiple draft imprints obtained unlawfully from a legitimate card.
- Unauthorized alterations to a sales draft.
6Fraudulent Use of Account Number: Account number used in the non-face-to-face environment (Card Not Present) including mail order, telephone order, recurring payments, installments and eCommerce (internet) transactions
9Acquirer-reported counterfeit: Acquirer confirms that the transaction involved is an unissued or invalid BIN
AIncorrect Processing: Fraudulent transaction was made possible due to incorrect processing. This type identifies situations in which lack of validating a security element was the factor that enabled fraud to occur. For example:

- Fraudulent EMV transaction resulting from lack of cryptogram validation. Vulnerabilities in the implementation of EMV may allow fraudsters to use a chip cards with fake cryptograms.
- Fraudulent transaction on a magnetic stripe transaction resulting from lack of Card Verification Value (CVV) validation
BAccount or Credential takeover: Fraud resulted from fraudsters taking over an account or credentials from a legitimate client. Examples may include:

- Use of personally identifiable information (PII) to circumvent the issuer's authentication process or cardholder's stolen credentials for requesting a new bank- issued card for fraudulent use.
- Fraudulent use of card data and PII to circumvent the issuer's authentication process and enable provisioning of the payment card onto a mobile device / digital wallet, which is subsequently used for fraudulent purchases.
- Fraudulent use of the cardholder's digital wallet via stolen user credentials (i.e., mobile passcode, wallet login information).
CMerchant Misrepresentation: Fraud resulting from a merchant deliberately misleading the account holder. Examples may include:

- A merchant fraudulently selling items that are not as they seem or sub- standard, charging more than anticipated or for a longer term, or charging for a service that the consumer can get for free through another channel for the purpose of conducting fraudulent activity.
DManipulation of Account Holder: Fraud resulting from a merchant manipulating an account holder into completing what they believe to be a legitimate transaction. This fraud type has been added to support Visa Direct and European PSD2 regulations. Examples may include:

- Account holder manipulated into sending funds to a fraudulent beneficiary when the sender believes they will gain fictitious riches or help an individual in distress, a struggling business, or to pay medical fees.
- A fraudster contacting the sender to impersonate a known supplier, trusted organization, or business in order to request a change of payment details for a transaction or to request a payment to a fraudulent account.

Mastercard Fraud Codes

Fraud TypeDescription
00Lost Fraud: A fraudulent transaction that occurs with the use of a lost card or other access device (or other instrument access an account for example, convenience and balance transfer checks) without the actual, implied, or apparent authority of the cardholder.
01Stolen Fraud: A fraudulent transaction that occurs with the use of a stolen card or other access device (or other instrument accessing an account for example, convenience and balance transfer checks) without the actual, implied, or apparent authority of the cardholder.
02Never Received Issue: The interception and use of a card or other access device (or other instrument access an account for example, convenience and balance transfer checks), before receipt by the cardholder, by a person without the actual, implied, or apparent authority of the cardholder.
03Fraudulent Application: A fraudulent transaction that occurs with the use of card or other access device that was obtained with an application using a false name or other false identification information.
04Counterfeit Card Fraud: The use of altered or illegally reproduced card or other access device (or other instrument access and account for example, convenience and balance transfer checks) including the replication or alteration of the magnetic stripe or embossing.
05Account Takeover Fraud: An existing credit or debit account is used without the actual, implied, or apparent authority of the cardholder, by a person who gains access to and use of the account through an unauthorized means, such as a change of address or request for re-issuance of a card or other access device (or other instrument for accessing an account, for example, convenience and balance transfer checks) but not lost or stolen cards.
06Card Not Present Fraud: A fraudulent transaction that occurs with the use of credit or debit account information including pseudo-account information without the card or other access device being involved, via the phone, mail, Internet, or other electronic means without the actual, implied, or apparent authority of the cardholder.
51Bust-out Collusive Merchant: A collusive cardholder engaging in transactions with a collusive merchant as defined in the Mastercard Questionable Merchant Audit Program.

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