Client/Sub-Client Selection

As a TabaPay client, you may have access to one or many ClientIDs and their associated SubClientID. You can select a client or sub-client by clicking the client selection dropdown on the sidebar.

How to Select a Client or Sub-Client Account

To select a Client, or Sub-Client account, do the following:

  1. Log in to the TabaPay Portal.
  2. Hover over to the left side of the page.

    The side bar nav will appear.

  3. Click your client name tab.

    A client dropdown list appears.

  4. Scroll to select a client or use the search bar at the top to find the one you're looking for.

Once you select the client, the data for each of the viewable pages will apply to the selected client or sub-client.

You can always reference what client or sub-client you are on by referring to the sidebar dropdown or the top bar navigation, which will show the client and/or sub-client that you are currently viewing.

Note: If you are managing your users, you may have a third type of ID to select, which is a client group. The client group will only show in the dropdown if you are on the user's page.

Client Selection Menu

The client selection menu consists of 5 parts:

A) Client Name: This is a high level folder that will display one client/ClientID and all the subclients under the client.

B) Client Name and ClientID: The main client with the ClientID that is used in the TabaPay API.

C) Sub-client Name and SubClientID: The name of a sub-client, which corresponds with a MID, and SubClientID.

D) Account Status: The status of the ClientID/SubClientID.

E) Client/Sub-Client Level Status: Identifies whether the account is at the client level, or subclient level.

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