Downloading Reports

You can download your reports from the TabaPay Portal for your own reporting and reconciliation purposes.

How to Download Reports

  1. Log in to the portal, and navigate to the Reporting page.

    The Reporting page appears.

Download All Reports

You can choose to either download every report or each individual report from a specific day.

  1. To download the reports table, click the Download Table button.
  2. To download a report from a specific day, click the download icon at the end of each row.

    The Reports side panel will appear.

Download Reports Side Panel

On the side panel, you can download various reports for this individual transaction, detailed in the image above.

Select the download button for the following reports:

  • Summary: Shows the debits and credits to the merchant settlement account.
  • Transaction: Contains settlement details about activity sent through the Transactions API, including reversals.
  • Interchange: Shows the actual interchange to be charged by network and card type category.
  • Monthly Summary: Shows the monthly debits and credits to the merchant settlement account.
  • AMLSummary: Catalogues all AML flagged triggers.
  • Reported Fraud: Contains the purchase (pull/debit) transactions that have been reported as fraudulent by the cardholder/cardholder’s issuing bank to Mastercard and Visa.
  • Chargebacks: Lists all dispute cases opened in the past 150 days and their current status
  • Exceptions: A daily generated report that includes chargebacks, returns, and adjustments. If there are no exceptions for the day, then an empty report is generated (headers only).
  • Updated Accounts: Provides the merchant with any changed cards, updated by the Issuer, for cards stored on TabaPay’s system, with a token provided to the merchant.

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