Chargebacks (Daily)
The Chargebacks Report lists all cases opened in the past 150 days and their current status. The chargebacks report can be used by teams that handle dispute operations to view the current status of a chargeback case.
File name: YYYYMMDD_chargebacks_v2-5.csv
Chargeback Status Mapping
For most case types, the merchant receives a provisional credit at the time of representment (ie when the merchant’s evidence is submitted to the network/issuer to dispute a chargeback case). This means that when a chargeback case reaches its final status funds may not move because the merchant has already been credited, hence the importance of referring to the Chargeback Status Mapping table for the Chargebacks reports.
The primary unique data point that will be found in the Chargebacks Report (and not the Exceptions Report) is the action status of Documentation Received
, which reflects that TabaPay has received evidence from a merchant for a specific chargeback case.
Cases will drop off the Chargebacks Report 150 days after the exception date.
Report Names
If you are configured to receive reports at the ISO level, the file name format will be: ISO_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. 1234_20251017_reportname.csv)
If you are configured to receive reports at the MID level, the file format name will be: ISO_MID_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. e.g. 1234_321_20251017_reportname.csv)
Position | Field | Description |
1 | ISO | 4-Digit ID assigned by TabaPay |
2 | MID | Merchant ID (Identifies a specific program/merchant under the ISO) |
3 | Merchant Reference ID | referenceID sent by the merchant in the Create Transaction API request |
4 | Original Transaction ID | transactionID sent by TabaPay in the Create Transaction API response |
5 | Exception ID | Unique reference number generated by TabaPay for each chargeback case; must be used as the name of the evidence document. |
7 | Exception Code | Network-specific reason code that identifies the evidence the merchant must provide to win the case. |
8 | Exception Description | Description corresponding to the network Exception Code |
9 | Exception Date | Date exception (chargeback) posted |
10 | Action-Status | Indicates the status of the chargeback based on the movement of funds and logs the date the corresponding evidence document is uploaded by the merchant to TabaPay. |
11 | Status Date | Date of most recent change in Action Status |
12 | Days Open | Days since last movement of funds |
13 | Network Transaction ID | Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) |
14 | Original Creation Date | Date/Time (GMT) original Transaction Request was created |
15 | Original Processed Date | Date/Time (GMT) original Transaction processed at the Network |
16 | Original Transaction Type | Purchase Purchase-Chargeback |
17 | Exception Source | If "Exception type" = CHARGEBACK, exception source = Settlement If "Exception type" = REPRESENTMENT, exception source = the exception network |
18 | Exception Destination | If "Exception type" = CHARGEBACK, exception destination = the exception network If "Exception type" = REPRESENTMENT, exception destination = Settlement |
19 | Exception Network | Network card scheme. |
20 | Last 4 | Last 4 of beneficiary card (add “0s” in front of number if less than 4 digits) |
21 | Original Settled Amount | Original transaction amount |
22 | Exception Settled Amount | Amount disputed by cardholder. May differ from the Original Settled Amount in the case of a partial chargeback or due to differences in the exchange rate. |
23 | TabaPay Fee | TabaPay Fee for the chargeback |
24 | Network Fee | Network Fee for the chargeback |
25 | Interchange | Interchange for the chargeback |
26 | Memo | memo passed in the Create Transaction request. |
27 | CB ID | Case ID assigned by the card network. |
28 | Firstname | First name |
29 | Lastname | Last name |
30 | Network ID | Transaction ID assigned by the card network. |
Updated 3 days ago