Transactions (Monthly)
This report mirrors the format of the Transactions (Daily) reports, but also contains exception records.
Report Names
If you are configured to receive reports at the ISO level, the file name format will be: ISO_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. 1234_20251017_reportname.csv)
If you are configured to receive reports at the MID level, the file format name will be: ISO_MID_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. e.g. 1234_321_20251017_reportname.csv)
Position | Field |
1 | ISO |
2 | MID |
3 | Reference ID |
4 | Transaction ID |
5 | Corresponding ID |
6 | Approval Code |
7 | Processed Date |
8 | Created Date |
9 | Type |
10 | Source |
11 | Destination |
12 | Settlement Network |
13 | Last 4 |
14 | Status |
15 | Network RC |
16 | Transaction Amount |
17 | Settled Amount |
18 | Processing Fee |
19 | Network Fee |
20 | Indicative Interchange |
21 | Convenience Fee |
22 | First Name |
23 | Last Name |
24 | Memo |
25 | Location Name |
26 | Location Address1 |
27 | Location Address2 |
28 | Location City |
29 | Location State |
30 | Location Zip |
31 | AVS |
32 | CVVC |
33 | Network ID |
34 | Settlement Date |
35 | Card Brand |
36 | Card Type |
37 | Interchange Category |
38 | Network Fee Codes |
39 | BIN |
40 | Beneficiary Amount |
41 | Beneficiary Currency |
42 | FX Rate Applied |
43 | Settle Date |
Updated 5 months ago