Visa OCT Fraud Reporting
To comply with Visa mandates, acquirers are required to report confirmed fraudulent transactions using the designated fraud types. This process applies specifically to Original Credit Transactions (OCT), with exceptions for Type 9 Purchases.
All confirmed fraudulent transactions must be reported when detected, but no later than 60 days from the transaction date or 30 calendar days following the receipt of the account holder’s dispute notification.
It is imperative that clients report fraud at the earliest possible time. Timely fraud reporting ensures the highest level of risk management effectiveness to reduce client losses.
Client Action (as applicable)
Merchants (clients) must report fraudulent original credit transactions (OCTs) to TabaPay, so that the transactions can be reported to the Visa card network.
How to Report Fraud
When OCT fraud is identified, the merchant should complete out this form. It is critical that the template is populated as outlined in the “Instructions” tab, otherwise, we will need to contact you for the information required to report it to the network.
Send the completed document to, with the subject “[Merchant Name] Notification of Fraud – OCTs"
TabaPay will acknowledge receipt and will submit the transactions to the network. If TabaPay has follow up questions, we will reply back to the email requesting additional information.
Completing the Form
The following downloadable form is used for TabaPay merchants/clients to complete and send to TabaPay to help report fraudulent OCTs to the relevant network.
The form should only be used to report on original credit transactions (OCT), or push to debit card transactions, and should only be used to report purchases in the event that the card number is counterfeit.
The form includes the following required fields to complete:
- CAID or Merchant Name: Card Acceptor ID or Legal Merchant Name
- Email of Reporting Party: Email contact for the person populating and submitting the form.
- Date of Notification: Date of form sent to TabaPay, MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Date of Transaction: Date of Transaction, MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Network ID: A unique value for the transaction you are reporting. This can be found within the Transaction reports sent by TabaPay in 'Network ID' column. This value is required for TabaPay to report the transaction to the network.
- Network: The network the transaction was processed on. For example, if it is a Visa transaction, select Visa. How TabaPay reports the fraud to the network depends on which network the transaction is processed on, so it is critical that this information be provided.
- Was this an OCT transaction?: Yes, if this was a disbursement to a debit card via an original credit transaction. Select 'No' if this was some other type of transaction.
Note: TabaPay will only report fraud for non-OCT transactions where the Fraud Type is Counterfeit.
- Fraud Type: Type of fraud related to the transaction. As previously stated, If OCT Transaction is No, then the only Fraud Type TabaPay will report is Counterfeit.
Optional, Completed by TabaPay:
- Fraud Type Classification (if known, otherwise leave blank): Classification of fraud associated with the reported transaction. This is an optional field, but the merchant is expected to provide it if available.
Note: Please also note that we cannot report this activity if the required information is not provided. Please complete all required fields.
Once completed, send this form in an email to with the subject line: '[Merchant Name] Fraud Report Form Submission'.
Updated about 1 month ago