
Checklist to go live with TabaPay and begin accepting transactions.

A Merchant must set up the following items prior to processing transactions:

Configuration item Description
Statement description Name that is displayed on cardholder statement. NOTE: soft descriptor (sent on each transaction, is available to certain merchants with approval)
Phone number Phone number provided to receiving institution. NOTE: soft descriptor (sent on each transaction, is available to certain merchants with approval)
Daily PULL limit Aggregate daily limit for purchases
Daily PUSH limit Aggregate daily limit for disbursements
Maximum PULL ticket Maximum PULL transaction limit
Maximum PUSH ticket Maximum PUSH transaction limit
Accepted card types Debit cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, US/non-US
MCC Merchant category code
Settlement account Account to receive proceeds. NOTE: can have separate settlement account for purchases and disbursements
Fee account Account to fund interchange and assessments. Can be same as settlement account or adjustment account.
Adjustment account Account to fund chargebacks, receive representments, and fund other adjustments. Can be same as settlement account or fee account.
Settlement options Gross: 3 settlement ACH instructions per day (CR for purchases, DR for disbursements, DR for fees)

Net: Option to net settle disbursements and purchases. Can also include fees or separate fees
Report subscription Any or all of the following can be subscribed to. “$” indicates an additional fee may be charged if delivered with the daily reports.
• Daily transaction report
• Daily settlement summary report
• Daily interchange report
• Daily exception report
• Daily chargeback report
• Daily AML summary
• Daily AML details
• BIN file ($)
Report delivery The following options are provided for report subscription delivery:
• Amazon s3 bucket (folders supported)
• Dropbox
• Citrix sharefile
• Encrypted email
Invoice files Invoice files The following files are delivered with the monthly invoice:
• Monthly invoice
• All transactions processed in a month
• Monthly deposit/debit summary. Day by day bank movements
• An ISO further receives:
o Interchange by MID by billing code
o Network fee by MID by network code
o Processing fees by MID and category
Invoice delivery The following invoice delivery methods are supported:
• Email
• Dropbox
• Sharefile
• Amazon s3

Merchant Setup: ACH and RPPS Origination

Configuration item Description
Company name Name that is displayed on customer statement
Company entry description Description that is displayed on customer statement
Settlement account Offset account used for all debit, credit and return entries
Company ID Company EIN

Merchant Setup: ACH Setup

The following contacts are required prior to going live on any TabaPay service

Configuration item Description
Operations contact Merchant contact for operations
Treasury contact Merchant contact for treasury issues
Invoice contact and email Merchant contact to receive monthly invoices

Questions? Contact Sales or make a post