Viewing Transaction Details
Clicking on any individual transaction in the transaction table will take you to a detail page, providing more information about that specific transaction.
How to View Transaction Details
- Log in to the TabaPay Portal and select Transactions.
- Navigate to your desired transaction as shown in Transactions.
- Click on the individual transactions on the transaction table,
The Transactions Details page appears with more information about a specific transaction.

Downloading and Copying Transaction Details

A) Print Screen: Click the Print Screen button to save the page as a PDF, To download the transaction details,
B) Transaction ID: Select copy icon next to the transaction ID or other transaction identifiers, to copy the ID to your clipboard.
Reversing a Transaction
You can reverse a card transaction that was sent through Create Transaction.
Reversals are only available for pull transactions with a Completed
To initiate a reversal:
- Click the Reverse Transaction button in the top-right corner of the screen.
- A confirmation modal will appear. Review and confirm the action.
- The transaction status will change to
. The reversal details and status will be shown under the Reversal Details section.
Note: A successful reversal is not guaranteed due to database limitations or Issuer declines. If the reversal attempt fails, a disbursement may be required instead.
Updated 4 days ago