Viewing Transaction Details

Clicking on any individual transaction in the transaction table will take you to a detail page, providing more information about that specific transaction.

How to View Transaction Details

  1. Log in to the TabaPay Portal and select Transactions.
  2. Navigate to your desired transaction as shown in Transactions.
  3. Click on the individual transactions on the transaction table,

    The Transactions Details page appears with more information about a specific transaction.

Downloading and Copying Transaction Details

A) Print Screen: Click the Print Screen button to save the page as a PDF, To download the transaction details,
B) Transaction ID: Select copy icon next to the transaction ID or other transaction identifiers, to copy the ID to your clipboard.

Reversing a Transaction

You can reverse a card transaction that was sent through Create Transaction.

Reversals are only available for pull transactions with a Completed status.

To initiate a reversal:

  1. Click the Reverse Transaction button in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. A confirmation modal will appear. Review and confirm the action.
  3. The transaction status will change to Deleted. The reversal details and status will be shown under the Reversal Details section.

Note: A successful reversal is not guaranteed due to database limitations or Issuer declines. If the reversal attempt fails, a disbursement may be required instead.

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