AML Transactions (Daily)

This report is generated based on desired thresholds configured by the merchant.

AML Trigger Codes

When these triggers are flagged, they are reported in the AML Transactions and AML Summary reports. These reports list relevant information regarding the suspect transactions including the masked card number, cardholder name, amount, and the associated AML trigger. Merchants are advised to leverage these daily reports to identify anomalous activity for further investigation.


Report Names

If you are configured to receive reports at the ISO level, the file name format will be: ISO_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. 1234_20251017_reportname.csv)

If you are configured to receive reports at the MID level, the file format name will be: ISO_MID_YYYYMMDD_reportname (e.g. e.g. 1234_321_20251017_reportname.csv)

1001HTTransactionHigh transaction amount exceededA maximum transaction amount is established - above which this trigger is hit and reported - merchant should block and not send above the limit
1001LCard or Bank Account1 day $ limit exceededA maximum 1-day, aggregate transaction amount is established for a given card or bank account - above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1003LCard or Bank Account3 day $ limit exceededA maximum 3-day, aggregate transaction amount is established for a given card or bank account - above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1007LCard or Bank Account7 day $ limit exceededA maximum 7-day, aggregate transaction amount is established for a given card or bank account- above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1030LCard or Bank Account30 day $ limit exceededA maximum 30-day, aggregate transaction amount is established for a given card or bank account- above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1101LCard or Bank Account1 day # limit exceededA maximum 1-day, aggregate transaction count is established for a given card or bank account - above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1103LCard or Bank Account3 day # limit exceededA maximum 3-day, aggregate transaction count is established for a given card or bank account - above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1107LCard or Bank Account7 day # limit exceededA maximum 7-day, aggregate transaction count is established for a given card or bank account - above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1130LCard or Bank Account30 day # limit exceededA maximum 30-day, aggregate transaction count is established for a given card or bank account - above which this trigger is hit and reported. This limit does not span merchants
1201CCard or Bank AccountMultiple names for one card or accountIf TabaPay detects a different name using the same card or bank account and the number of different names exceeds the threshold, then a trigger is hit and reported


1. Will these limits result in hard stops?

No, the limits set in the AML Transactions report are passive limits that generate alerts when cardholder activity crosses the thresholds you've set. These limits do not result in declined or failed transactions. Your company is still responsible for and expected to implement its own velocity limits.

2. I haven't received an AML Transactions daily report (or I'm not receiving it consistently) but I am receiving my settlement and reconciliation reports. Why?

You will only receive the AML Transactions reports if you have been subscribed, as it's an optional report. If you would like to begin receiving these reports, email [email protected] with the following email subject: “Subscribe [Client Name] to AML Reports”

3. Do I need to set the thresholds for all of the above triggers?

If you are subscribed to the reports but have not set custom limits, you will have default limits set. Otherwise, you can set custom limits for all of the triggers, except for 1001HT.

To request or inquire about custom or default limit values, email [email protected] with the following email subject: “Triggers for AML Reports for [Client Name]”

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