Value Added Services (Monthly)

This report provides a breakdown of network fees related to value-added services, including AVS, account updater, and and Account Name Inquiry.


File name: ISO_MID_YYYYMM_valueAddedServices_v2-5.csv

PositionField NameDescription
1ISO4-digit ISO ID assigned by TabaPay. This corresponds to the ClientID used in the API.
2ISO NameISO name (ClientID level)
3MIDMerchant ID (Identifies a specific program/merchant under the ISO). This corresponds to the SubclientID used in the API.
4Merchant NameMID name corresponding to the subclient ID used in the API.
5Fee CategoryFee description. Example: AVS Fee
6QuantityTransaction count
7VolumeTotal amount of settled transactions
8Rate-FixedFixed rate, if applicable
9Rate-VariableVariable rate, if applicable
10Rate-MinMinimum rate, if applicable
11Rate-CapMaximum rate, if applicable
12ChargeTotal fee amount

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