Treasury and Reconciliation

Transaction details

The daily transaction report is available by 9am PT.

Exception Report Interchange True-up

The Exception Report may contain a record for each network with actual interchange difference between the per transaction interchange on the Transaction report and the actual interchange billed by network.

TransactionID"TPIC" <YYYYMMDD>-<network>
(Where <YYYYMMDD> is the settlement date and <network> is 1 character indication of network (V, M, S, A, P, N)
Example TPIC20180718-P
ExceptionID"TPIC" <YYYYMMDD>-<network>
(Where <YYYYMMDD> is the settlement date and <network> is 1 character indication of network (V, M, S, A, P, N)
Example "TPIC20180718-P"
Exception Type"Interchange"
Original Transaction"Purchase"
Exception Source"Settlement"
Exception DestinationNetwork
Example "Visa"
Exception NetworkNetwork
Example "Visa"
Original Settled Amount$0
Exception Settled Amount$0
InterchangeInterchange difference
Original Creation Date, Processed Date are prior day
Exception Date and Status Date are the Settlement Date

Merchant Summary Report

The Summary report shows the debits and credits to the merchant settlement account. The Transaction detail will reconcile the Summary report.

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