Reporting contains a list of reports that correspond to a bank and ISO. You can find reports from the last 108 days.
- Sign in as shown in Log in to the TabaPay Portal and select Reporting.
The Reporting Section appears.

How to View to Reporting Table
The reporting table is divided into four main column, each containing the following details:
Column #1: The first main fixed column includes three sub-columns: ISO, MID, and Date.
- ISO Independent Sales Organization, is a 4 digit-ID assigned to each client. This correlates with the ClientID used in the API.
This is incompatible with International Organization for Standardization (ISO). - MID: Merchant Identifier identifies a specific program, or subclient/submerchant with TabaPay under the ISO. This correlates to the SubClientID used in the API.
- Date: Date of the settlement or adjustment.
Column #2: The second area of the table allows you to scroll left to right, and includes sub-columns Purchase, Refunds, Disbursement, Chargebacks, Adjustments, Settlement Total, Interchange, Network Fee, and Tabapay Fee.
- Purchase: Total dollar amount of successful pull transactions.
- Refunds: Total dollar amount of successful refund transactions.
- Disbursement: Total dollar amount of push transactions.
- Chargebacks: Total dollar amount of chargebacks received.
- Adjustments: Total dollar amount of manual adjustments.
- Settlement Total: Total amount received from the network.
- Interchange: Total dollar amount of interchange.
- Network Fee: Daily network fees paid to networks.
- TabaPay Fee: Daily TabaPay fees.
Column #3 is a single fixed column and includes the Total Amount.
- Total Amount: Net proceeds to merchant.
Column #4 is a single fixed column with a download icon to download the reports with transaction details.
Scroll to the bottom of the Reporting section, and on the right side of the screen you can view more pages with items on the Reporting table.

More on Reporting
Updated 4 days ago