Creating a Payment Request

You can generate a payment request directly from the TabaPay portal.

A payment request does not immediately create a transaction, but sends a request to a customer to complete payment information to initiate the transaction.

How to Create a Payment Request

To get to the Create Payment Request Form:

  1. Log in to the TabaPay Portal and select Transactions.
  2. Click the Create button on the top right of the screen.
  3. Choose Create Payment Request under the action menu.

Create Payment Request Form

Complete each required field to reate a payment request:

  1. Amount: Enter the amount that you’d like to request.
    1. Choose the currency you are requesting by clicking the currency field on the right. You can request in USD or CAD.
  2. Enter the recipient’s name and address information in the designated fields: First Name, Last Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, and Zip Code.
  3. Select the method of sending over the request:
    1. Email
    2. Generated link.

Note: To exit and return to the transactions page, click the x at the top left side of the screen. The value you entered will not be saved after closing the page.

  1. To initiate the payment to the customer, click Create Payment Request.

If the request successfully goes through, you’ll see a screen similar to the one below

  1. Click Done to return to the transactions page.

Receiving a Payment Request

The customer should receive the payment request link that shows the following:

This page is designed to help your customers securely enter their your payment information and review your payment request before submission. The page is divided into two sections:

  1. Payment Details (Left)
  2. Payment Request Summary (Right)

1. Payment Details

The user receives link and opens the link for the payment details section to appear.

Card Details

  1. The following payment card fields are completed:
  • Card Number: Enter the full 16 digital card number.
  • Expiration Date: The card’s expiration date (MM/YY format).
  • Security Code: The CVV code, usually found on the back of the card.

Billing Address

  1. The following billing address fields associated with the card are completed:
  • Address Line 1 and Address Line 2: Billing address of the cardholder
  • City: City of the Cardholder
  • State: State, or province of the Cardholder
  • Country: Country of the Cardholder
  • Zip Code: 5 digit zip code of the Cardholder.

Make sure all the information is accurate to avoid any payment issues.

2 . Payment Request Summary

This section provides a summary of the payment details for review before submission.

First Name and Last Name: The name associated with the payment request.

You Send: Displays the amount being sent by the user, shown in the currency selected (USD or CAD) when the payment request is created.

  1. Click Next to proceed to the confirmation screen.
  1. Before initiating the payment, the user must review all entered information to ensure accuracy and acknowledge agreement to the Client’s terms and conditions.
  2. Once confirmed, to proceed with the payment, click Confirm Payment

Note: This action will trigger the Create Transaction API.

Once the transaction is processed, the user will see a confirmation screen with the transaction result along with the transaction details.

  1. The user can get a copy of the receipt by clicking the Get PDF Receipt button.

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