Creating a Transaction

You can create a transaction to immediately pull or push funds.

Creating a transaction will immediately initiate the transaction with the information provided.

Note: This feature is only available to Clients who have been configured for it. If you would like to enable this feature in the portal, please contact [email protected].

How to Create a Transaction

To get to the Create Transaction Form:

  1. Log in to the TabaPay Portal and select Transactions.
  2. Click the Create button on the top right of the screen.
  3. Choose Create Transaction under the action menu.

Create Transaction Form

Complete each required field to create a transaction:

  1. Choose Push Transaction or Pull Transaction.
    1. Depending your permission(s), you may not see all options available.
  2. Enter the transaction amount.
    1. Choose the transaction currency by clicking the currency field on the right. You can create transaction in USD or CAD.

Cardholder Details

Fill in the following cardholder details:

  1. Enter the recipient’s name and address information in the designated fields:
  • First Name: First name of the cardholder
  • Last Name: Last name of the cardholder
  • Address Line 1 and Address Line 2: Billing address of the cardholder
  • City: City of the cardholder
  • State: State or province of the cardholder
  • Zip Code: 5-digit zip code

Additional Details

  1. Depending on your configurations, you may have to enter additional details.

Card Details

  1. Enter the card details including:
  • Card Number: Full 16-digit card number
  • Expiration Date: Expiration date of the card
  • Security Code: CVV of the card, usually found on the back of the card.
  1. Choose Yes, or No for an Address Verification Service (AVS) Check. Depending on your configurations, AVS may be mandatory or not required at all.
  2. Click Next to continue the create transaction flow.
  1. Once all the card details are verified, you will see a confirmation screen.
  2. To edit the transaction details, click the edit icon button at the top right next to Transaction Details to go back to the edit screen.
  3. After all the details are confirmed, click the Create Transaction button to create the transaction.
  4. Create Transaction API will be initiated.

Once the transaction goes through, you will see a screen with the transaction result along with the transaction details.

  1. If you want to save a copy of the transaction details, you can click the Print Screen button at the bottom.
  2. If you want to create another transaction, click the Create Another button.
  3. You can click the X button at the top left next to Create Transaction to return to Transactions screen.

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