TabaPay Business Verification and Reports for KYB

Reports provide additional information about an end user beyond what they submit directly in an Inquiry. Inquiries collect information directly from an individual, while Reports pull information from authoritative data sources. These authoritative data sources include credentials, attestations, records, logs, investigations, and analyses. Adverse Media Reports may also include articles.


Got access?

Pricing for each Report varies depending on the Report type and the plan that your organization is on.

To get started using Reports, please reach out to [email protected]

TabaPay offers many types of Reports, including:

Address Lookup Report
Adverse Media Report
Business Adverse Media Report
Business Lookup Report
Business Watchlist Report
Crypto Address Watchlist Report
Email Risk Report
Phone Risk Report
Politically Exposed Person Report
Profile Report
Social Media Report
Watchlist Report

Address Lookup Report

The address lookup returns detailed metadata for a given address and includes two map views. For example, if you are using TabaPay for KYC and need to verify an individual's address to ensure that it's not a post office or elementary school, the address lookup report would help provide the information you're seeking within the Persona Dashboard so that you don't have to Google the address to verify it's a legitimate business or residence.

Interpreting the report

There are multiple returned fields for the address lookup report. Below, we've listed all of the fields and the definitions behind the fields so that you can better understand how to use and interpret the information surfaced to you.

Resolved/corrected address
The fully-formatted and corrected version of the address passed in.

Record type
Represents the type of record this address matched against. Only given if a DPV match is made.

Zip type
Indicates the type of the ZIP code for the address that was matched. Only given if a 5-digit match is made. There are four zip code types:

Unique: The ZIP code consists of a single delivery point, pertaining to a US Postal Service customer (like a large business or government agency) that routes all of its own mail internally.
Military: The ZIP code pertains to military units and diplomatic organizations, often in foreign locations.
PO Box: The ZIP code is a PO Box ZIP code and is assigned to a collection of post office boxes.
Standard: The ZIP code does not pertain to any of the above categories.
County FIPS
The 5-digit county FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code. It is a combination of a 2-digit state FIPS code and a 3-digit county code assigned by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

County name
The name of the county in which the address is located.

Carrier route
The postal carrier route for the address. Consists of a one-letter prefix followed by a three-digit route designator. (e.g., C007, R123). * Routes C770 through C779 pertain to PO Box Street Addresses.

There are five carrier route prefixes:

C: Carrier route (commonly termed "city route")
R: Rural route
H: Highway contract route
B: Post office box section
G: General delivery unit
Congressional district
The congressional district to which the address belongs. Output will be two digits from 01 - 53 or "AL." "AL" means that the entire state (or territory) is covered by a single congressional district. These include Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, Washington DC, Virgin Islands, and other territories.

Building default indicator
Indicates whether the address is the "default" address for a building; for example, the main lobby.

Residential default indicator
Residential delivery indicator (residential or commercial). Note: For some reason, known only to the US Postal Service, PO Boxes are always marked as "residential."

There are three indicator types that could be returned:

Residential: The address is a residential address.
Commercial: The address is a commercial address.
[blank]: This happens when the address is invalid or we don't have enough information to ascertain RDI status. The bulk address validation tool translates a [blank] RDI value to "unknown."
The exact latitude of this address.

The exact longitude of this address.

Indicates the precision of the latitude and longitude values. There are six values that could be returned for precision:

Zip9: Accurate to a 9-digit ZIP code level (most accurate)
Zip8: Accurate to an 8-digit ZIP code level
Zip7: Accurate to an 7-digit ZIP code level
Zip6: Accurate to an 6-digit ZIP code level
Zip5: Accurate to an 5-digit ZIP code level
Unknown: Coordinates not known. Reasons could include: address is invalid, military address (APO or FPO), lat/lon coordinates not available.

Time zone
Indicates the common name of the time zone associated with the address. Valid time zones include: Alaska, Atlantic, Central, Eastern, Hawaii, Mountain, None, Pacific, Samoa, UTC+9, UTC+10, UTC+11, UTC+12.

UTC offset
Indicates the number of hours the time zone is offset from Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), the international time standard, also known as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT).

Observes daylight savings time
Indicates if the time zone "obeys," or, in other words, adjusts their clocks forward and back with the seasons. This information is particularly useful to determine time in other time zones with areas that may or may not use daylight saving time - for example, Arizona, Hawaii, and Indiana

DPV match code
Status of the Delivery Point Validation (DPV). This lets you know if the USPS delivers mail to the address. There are two possible returned results for match code:

Not confirmed
DPV footnotes
Information related to the delivery point validation of this address.

Indicates whether the address is associated with a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA), also known as a private mailbox (PMB) operator. A CMRA is a business through which USPS mail may be sent or received, for example, the UPS Store and Mailboxes Etc.

DPV vacant
Indicates that a delivery point was active in the past but is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and is not receiving deliveries. This status is often obtained when mail receptacles aren't being emptied and are filling up, so mail is held at the post office for a certain number of days before the delivery point is marked vacant.

Indicates whether the address is active or not, based on USPS data. Note that the USPS is often months behind in updating this data point, so use with caution. Some users may prefer not to base any decisions on the active status of an address.

Indicates which changes were made to the input address.

LACSLink indicator
Indicates whether there is an address match in the LACSLink database.

Suitelink match
Indicates a match (or not) to the USPS SuiteLink data. SuiteLink attempts to provide secondary information such as "suite" or "apartment" whenever there is a match based on address and company name.

Adverse Media Report

The adverse media report screens an individual across a global database of 300+ million news articles to identify any negative or unfavorable information associated with that individual.

Adverse media or "negative news" is defined as any unfavorable information found across a wide variety of news sources — both "traditional" news outlets and those from unstructured sources. The risks associated with conducting business with persons with an adverse media profile vary.

The primary use case for this report is for the KYC/AML process. Adverse media screening is critical to many organizations' customer due diligence process. Organizations rely on adverse media screening to know when their clients have been involved with unethical or criminal activities like money laundering, financial fraud, organized crime, etc. These links seriously threaten business reputations and can lead to legal repercussions, especially if these firms operate within a regulated sector.

Adverse media also serves as a leading indicator relative to the Watchlist Report. Often there's a significant delay between when someone has been involved in doing something nefarious vs. when they show up on a Sanctions/Warnings list. The media is much faster at reporting on such activities, so organizations often pair the adverse media report with the Watchlist Report.

Continuous Monitoring
Just because a person is not a "bad actor" today does not mean that they cannot be a "bad actor" 2 months down the line. Because of this, it's critical for organizations to monitor individuals continuously and to make sure there is no negative news or unfavorable information on a given person.

**Interval Seconds

**Specify the cadence by which you would like this report to run on a recurring basis on any cadence between 24 hours and 365 days.

Organizations using this report type can specify the type of adverse media they would like to search for with their report. This is important because there is a LOT of media in the world — and to help make this report more effective, TabaPay allows organizations to filter through that media for specific, relevant information that they care about most.

Types of adverse media: Organizations can specify whether they would like to search against all adverse media types or only a select few (e.g., violent crime, terrorism, narcotics). By default, TabaPay includes all types.

Search configuration: High false-positive rates are a widespread problem among screening providers for this report type. To address this, we have the ability to customize the search configuration. Furthermore, we can configure the search parameters to be different across different categories. Below is a list of search configuration options.

Exact match: We can specify the search to look for matches where the name matches 1-1 with what is on a list.
Equivalent names (includes everything in option 1): We can specify the search to look for equivalent names.
Hypocorisms (e.g. James <> Jim <> Jimmy)
Homophones (e.g. Kearns <> Cairns <> Kerns)
Abbreviations (e.g. Robert <> Rob)
Transliteration (e.g. Mohammed <> محمد)
AKAs (e.g. Alphonse Gabriel Capone, Al Capone)
Search fuzziness (includes everything in options 1 and 2): Fuzzy name searching is a technique of finding names that match a name approximately. We can specify a fuzziness ranging from 0 to 100% (in increments of 10%).
Interpreting the report
Adverse media screening solutions make it easy to run into cases where you have many false positives. This is because when you search for a name and get a hit online in an article, you don't know if this article refers to the person you are searching for or another person with the same name. As such, adverse media screening solutions do their best to do entity resolution and group together articles for which they have a high degree of confidence that they are referring to the same person.

As a result of this, in our adverse media screening solution, we return all the possible matches (dependent on your search configuration) sorted in order of relevance. This allows the end user to scroll through all the possible matches to determine whether or not the person they are searching for is associated with unfavorable information.

In most cases, you can get just a single match back with the right search configuration setting. However, for organizations that would like to widen their search radius, they can configure their search setting to have a higher level of fuzziness and therefore surface more matches. Please see below for how to interpret each field that is returned in the adverse media report.

Explains the relevance of the match. The results in the adverse media report are sorted based on relevance. The possible reasons for relevance are:

Matched the name exactly
Matched the name with a synonym
Matched an AKA name with a synonym
Matched birth year filter
Matched against an AKA name exactly
Matched for a complex reason, such as acronym
Matched closely to the name
Matched the name phonetically
Approximately matched search birth year
Personal suffixes removed from search input
Clerical marks removed from search input

The birthdates associated with an individual. If an individual has an undetermined birthday or they have used multiple birthdays, we will surface all possible birthdates.

The possible ages associated with an individual. If an individual has an undetermined age or they have used multiple ages, we will surface all possible ages.

Alternate names that the individual can also be known as. Our vendor collects this information from various sources they have regarding this individual. There tend to be slight variations in spellings and also the name in different languages based on how the news articles reference this person.

We categorize the types of unfavorable media associated with an individual with the below types. Based on the types of unfavorable media associated with an individual, we will surface the corresponding types.

Financial AML/CFT
General AML/CFT
Narcotics AML/CFT
Property Crime
Violence AML/CFT
Financial Difficulty
Other Financial
Other Minor
Other Serious
Violence NON-AML/CFT
List of all countries where the adverse media was observed.

Associated Workflow criteria
You may want to either mark inquiries for review or decline inquiries automatically that have an adverse media hit. To do this successfully, you will need to build a workflow.

How often are the media databases updated?
The adverse media database is updated within 48 hours of the information being published on the referred website

How does it work?
Organizations pass in a name and can optionally pass in a year of birth. Based on the search configuration and category selection, TabaPay will search for this name (and year of birth) against a set of articles from those categories.

Business Adverse Media Report

The Business Adverse Media Report screens a given business across a global database of 300+ million news articles to identify any negative or unfavorable information associated with a business.

In general, adverse media, also known as negative news, is defined as any kind of unfavorable information found across a wide variety of news sources – from both ‘traditional’ news outlets and those from unstructured sources. The risks associated with working with businesses having an adverse media profile are many and varied, and it is up to the organization running these screenings to determine how to proceed with the business in question.

The Business Adverse Media Report is typically considered a "pre-cursor" to The Business Watchlist Report, as adverse media is likely to show up far sooner than a sanctions, probity & fitness, or warning flag.

Use Case
Business Adverse Media screening is a critical part of many organizations' customer/vendor due diligence process. Organizations rely on Business Adverse Media screening to know when their clients/vendors have been involved with unethical or criminal activities like money laundering, financial fraud, organized crime, etc. These associations can pose a serious threat to firms’ reputations and can lead to legal repercussions, especially if these firms operate within a regulated sector.

As mentioned in the overview, Business Adverse Media also serves as a leading indicator relative to the Business Watchlist report. Often there's a significant delay between when an entity has been involved in doing something nefarious vs. when it shows up on a Sanctions/Warnings list. The media is much faster at reporting on such activities.

Interpreting the report

TabaPay's Business Adverse Media Report uses entity resolution to group together articles for which there is a high degree of confidence that they refer to the same business.

As a result of this, TabaPay returns all the possible matches (dependent on your organization's search configuration) sorted in order of relevance. This allows you to scroll through all the possible matches to determine whether or not the business you are searching actually is associated with unfavorable information.



Explains the relevance of the match. The results in the Adverse Media Report are sorted based on relevance. The possible reasons for relevance are:

Matched the name exactly
Matched the name with a synonym
Matched an AKA name with a synonym
Matched against an AKA name exactly
Matched for a complex reason, such as acronym
Matched closely to the name
Matched the name phonetically


**Alternate names that the business can also be known as. Our report collects this information from various sources they have regarding this business. These tend to be slight variations in spellings and also the name in different languages based on how the news articles reference this business.


**We categorize the types of unfavorable media associated with a business with the below types. Then, based on the types of unfavorable media associated with a business, we will surface the corresponding types.

Financial AML/CFT
General AML/CFT
Narcotics AML/CFT
Property Crime
Violence AML/CFT
Financial Difficulty
Other Financial
Other Minor
Other Serious
Violence NON-AML/CFT

List of all countries where the adverse media was observed.

Business Lookup Report


The Business Lookup Report verifies that a business exists, and returns a set of additional attributes such as corporation registration filing number, phone numbers, registered agents, website, state registrations, physical addresses, and industry code.

The Business Lookup Report is powered by data from hundreds of sources, including public government records at the federal and state levels. Government records include records from each state’s Secretary of State and professional licensing divisions; the SBA; the SEC, and more. TabaPay combines this data with proprietary information from industry-leading business data providers and with a company’s digital footprint.

Why is this report type valuable?

Instead of an analyst having to manually collect and analyze information about the business from different sources, this Report allows an organization to collect the information, verify it, and surface it in one place. This information is instrumental in the KYB process as it validates the legitimacy of the given business.

What information does this report provide?


**Name of the business


**The various names for the business found in data sources, ordered by prevalence


**Description of the business and its main activities


**Based on bankruptcy data, whether the business is active or not


**The legal structure under which the business is incorporated


**Incorporation date found in the best record.


**GICS and NAICS classifications of the business


**A list of business registration details. Each list item is a separate jurisdiction. Includes registration date, and corporate registration status.

The corporate registration status can be: active, inactive, or unknown


List of addresses for the business containing street, city, state, and postal code


**List of website URLs associated with the business


**The phone numbers associated with the business


An agent is a business or individual designated to receive service of process when a business is involved in a legal matter


A corporation’s officers are responsible for the management and day-to-day operations of the company. e.g., CEO, CFO, President, etc.


**Estimated headcount for the business based on available sources


List of databases this data was collected from

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Does Business Lookup Report include Beneficial Ownership information?

Not necessarily. TabaPay’s Business Lookup Report surfaces officers and agents, which can contain beneficial owners. However, this is not an exhaustive list of all beneficial owners necessarily. There is no database available in the US that harbors all beneficial owners of every business.

Business Watchlist Report

The Business Watchlist Report is a Report that enriches existing information on a given business and screens that business across 1000+ global sanction, warning, and fitness & probity lists.

Use case
Organizations are able to use this report type to satisfy their watchlist screening AML regulatory requirements. Any organization running a KYB program will need to ensure that they're screening against the sanction, warning, and fitness & probity lists in order to ensure compliance to these regulations.

Definition of Outputs

Sanctions - Many organizations are required to run Sanctions screenings on their users to ensure that their organization is compliant with anti-money laundering (AML) laws. Sanctions lists are lists of individuals curated by governments and international organizations to impose economic sanctions (punitive measures resulting from failure to comply with a law) on individuals who have committed financial or other crimes. What does this actually mean? It means governments across the world maintain sanctions lists that tell organizations whether they can or cannot interact with an individual. Organizations are required to screen individuals to understand whether they’re on the sanctions list and then take proper action to ensure they’re not working with individuals who do show up on the list. If an individual has a hit on a Sanctions list, it’s possible that the inputs (first and last name, and sometimes date of birth) showed up as a match on the list. Persona will report the hit, and the output will be a match. Organizations determine how to proceed with that individual based on the results.
Warnings - Similar to sanctions lists, warnings lists are also put together by governments and international organizations. These are lists of individuals, legal entities, or vessels issued by relevant law enforcement or regulatory bodies. Entities on warnings lists are either involved in law-breaking activities at the international level or in particular jurisdictions under investigation or found guilty of regulatory breaches in their operating industry, which may indicate a significant financial, compliance, or reputational risk. This information can be used by organizations running these reports when determining whether or not to engage in a business relationship with potential customers, counterparties, and suppliers. It might equally be useful when making payments and determining whether or not a payment is being made in the furtherance of a crime or as part of a financial crime, such as a money-laundering or insider trading scheme.
Fitness & Probity - This category encompasses lists of individuals and legal entities who have been disqualified or otherwise restricted from holding certain positions or participating in activities such as publicly-funded contracts due to regulatory or code of conduct breaches. These lists encompass individuals who have committed transgressions but might not necessarily have committed offenses that would lead them to be denied funds or bank accounts. It might, however, lead an organization to reassess a potential business relationship with these entities - however, that is up to the individual organization.
Notifications, recurrence, and match requirements
Most organizations using this report want to ensure they receive a notification immediately once a business has hit one of these lists. Organizations that want to be notified immediately on a match can set up a webhook against the report/business-watchlist.matched event to get an alert in their system.

Additionally, continuous monitoring is available for this report at the organization's request. The Report can be set to recur at any cadence requested. TabaPay commonly sees organizations running daily, monthly, or quarterly recurring reports. This is up to the organization's compliance requirements.

TabaPay's Business Watchlist Report offers highly configurable search configurations, which is instrumental to organizations using this Report to reduce false positive hits and ensure manual review is decreased. Don't hesitate to contact your Persona POC to learn more about the possible match configurations for your Business Watchlist Report.


How does the Business Watchlist report work?
Organizations pass in a business name. Then, based on the search configuration and list selection, TabaPay will search for this business name against the set of lists specified.

What lists can Persona search against?
Persona can search across 1000+ global sanctions, warnings, and fitness & probity lists. Please reach out to [email protected] for a full, comprehensive list.

Crypto Address Watchlist Report

What is it?

The Crypto Address Watchlist report flags any wallet addresses that might be sanctioned

Why is this report valuable?
Organizations will be able to use this report type to satisfy AML regulatory requirements specifically for digital currencies

Interpreting the report


**Result is an array of hits that come back as sanctioned. If it's empty, that means this wallet address was not found to be on any lists. Typically, this array will only come back with one hit because OFAC is the only list we currently search.


**Entities is an array inside each hit. It describes the individual associated with the hit. It contains the fields:

  1. name
  2. alias-type
  3. birthdates
  4. crypto-addresses
    crypto-addresses This is an array inside one entity. This describes all of the wallet addresses associated with an individual. It contains:
  1. address - The actual address
  2. type - The type of digital currency (BTC, ETH, etc)

Additional information

**What lists do you search against?

**We currently only search against OFAC lists, but if there is a list or set of lists that you are interested in screening against for digital currencies, please let us know.

**How often are lists updated?

**All Crypto Address Watchlist sources are updated within 10 minutes of the lists being updated on the original source.

Email Risk Report

What is it?

The email risk report assesses the fraud risk of an email address and confirms its authenticity. The main use case for the email risk report is to identify fake and suspicious users. We often recommend coupling the email risk report with other report types, like the phone risk report to help show a fuller picture of the individual. Please note that we will not always be able to surface information associated with an email address.

Interpreting the report

First seen
The first date the email was observed in a breach, credential leak or exhibiting malicious or spammy behavior. ('never' if never seen).

Last seen
The last date the email was observed in a breach, credential leak or exhibiting malicious or spammy behavior. ('never' if never seen).

Whether the email has a high source of reputability or a low source of reputability. For emails where there are neither clear positive nor negative sources of reputation (e.g. accounts with major sites and services, data breaches that include this email address, etc.), no reputation is returned.

Whether the email address should be treated as suspicious or risky. Most valuable for anti-phishing.

The number of positive and negative sources of reputation. Please note that these may not all be direct references to the email address, but can include reputation sources for the domain or other related information.

The email is believed to be malicious.

The email is from an temporary/disposable service.

Free provider
The email uses a free email provider.

Email has exhibited spammy behavior (e.g. spam trams, login form abuse).

Whether or not the email address is valid. Checks in real-time if the email address is valid. For example, [email protected] is not a deliverable email address.

Valid MX
Whether or not the email server has a valid MX record. MX records tell the internet where your mail servers exist to receive mail and also serve as an indicator of where you're sending mail from.

Domain reputation
Similar to email reputation but applied for domains.

Domain age
Number of days since the domain was created.

Associated Workflow criteria

Email Address Reputation
Email Address Domain Reputation
Email Address First Seen
Email Address Last Seen
Email Address Domain Created
Email Address Reference Count
Email Address Domain Exists
Email Address Blacklisted
Email Address Deliverable
Email Address Disposable
Email Address Free Provider
Email Address Spam
Email Address Suspicious
Email Address Valid MX

Phone Risk Report

What is it?

The Phone Risk Report assesses the fraud risk of a phone number and confirms its authenticity. The main use case for this report type is to help prevent fraud by using this report to identify fake & suspicious users. The Phone Risk Report is available globally for all phone numbers.

Interpreting the report

The vendor we work with looks at a combination of factors in order to make an assessment on whether or not a phone number has a high level of fraud risk. Your organization will pass TabaPay a full phone number (with international code) in order for TabaPay to run this report type.

Factors included in the risk assessment

  • Phone number attributes (e.g. phone type, carrier, etc.). For example, VOIP phone numbers have a higher risk associated with them since they can be created very easily online.
  • Two global databases to detect and identify known fraud faster.
  • Traffic pattern recognition and usage velocity. Anomalous traffic behavior patterns and usage velocity may raise red flags. For example, if passcode requests are received in five different languages from the same number in the same week or a range of numbers are seen repeatedly on one or more web services, it may be a sign that a phone is being shared, and the risk score will increase accordingly.

Fields returned on the report

Phone type
The type of phone number being used. There are 12 possible results that could be returned for phone type details.

  • Fixed line: considered low risk with recommended action to allow through. Fixed-line phones include traditional landline phones and VOIP phones that can be traced back to a particular address and cannot be obtained by a user outside the phone number’s designated country. Because these phone numbers are traceable, they are low-risk.
  • Mobile: considered medium-low risk with recommended action to allow through. Mobile telephones are provided by companies such as Verizon, Cingular, or Sprint. Users of these phones must sign contracts, making these telephone numbers traceable. These phone numbers are generally low-risk. However, some prepaid mobile phones will be identified as mobile. Internationally, phones identified as mobile can also include TETRA mobile phones, cordless access systems, proprietary fixed radio access, and fixed cellular systems.
  • Prepaid (for prepaid mobile): considered medium-high risk with recommended action to flag. These telephones can be purchased anonymously at department stores. They work like other mobile phones, but their users are not contracted with a mobile phone company. Prepaid mobile phones generally cost between $30 and $100, making them unattractive for most fraudsters, but we recommend flagging transactions made with this type of telephone due to users’ anonymity. Also, not all prepaid mobile phones will be identified as prepaid; some will be identified as mobile.
  • Toll_Free: considered high risk with recommended action to block. Toll-free numbers are numbers starting with toll-free area codes, such as (800). Although often used by legitimate users calling from companies, fraudsters can easily obtain toll-free numbers that either forward to a telephone located in another country or toll-free numbers that terminate at an internet voicemail box. Toll-free numbers always forward to non-toll-free numbers. For this reason, any legitimate user who provides a toll-free number and is asked to provide a non-toll-free number will be able to do so.
  • VOIP (non-fixed VOIP): considered high risk with recommended action to block. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone numbers are internet-based telephone numbers. Non-fixed VOIP telephone numbers can easily be obtained by users who are not located in the country associated with the telephone number. They are untraceable and disposable; some can even be obtained for free. This means that a fraudster in Romania could easily obtain a US-based telephone number using a non-fixed VOIP service and receive a call to this number in his or her home in Romania.
  • Pager: considered high risk with recommended action to block. This phone number rings to a pager. Because pagers cannot receive verification calls, it’s best to block calls to these numbers. These calls are most likely requested by fraudsters who are inputting invalid phone numbers.
    Payphone: considered high risk with recommended action to block. Calls to a payphone cannot be traced back to any one person; therefore, we recommend blocking verification calls to these numbers.
    Invalid: considered high risk with recommended action to block. The telephone number entered is not a valid number.
  • Restricted_Premium (Restricted Number): considered high risk with recommended action to block. The telephone number entered is a restricted number. In the US, restricted numbers include numbers that begin with 0 and numbers with the following area codes: 900, 911, 411. Internationally, the following phone types are restricted: Audiotext, Carrier selection, National rate, Premium rate, Shared cost, Satellite, Short Code.
  • Personal: considered medium-low risk with recommended action to allow through. A “personal” phone number is a phone number which allows a subscriber to receive calls at almost any telephone number, including a mobile number. The “personal” number forwards to another phone number, which is determined by the subscriber. Because the “personal” number can forward to either a landline or mobile number, it’s impossible to determine what type of phone the subscriber is using. However, because “personal” phone numbers must be obtained from a phone company, there is little risk of fraud associated with this phone type.
  • Voicemail: considered medium-high risk with recommended action to block. Voicemail phone numbers will ring directly to a user’s voicemail. Although this phone number was likely purchased through a phone company and may be traceable, it will be impossible to reach the user live at this phone number. In addition, any user providing a voicemail number should also have a valid landline or mobile phone available.
  • Other: considered medium-high risk with recommended action to block. Phone numbers labeled “other” are all various types of phones that originate in non-US countries. The following types of phones may be included under the “other” category: Global title address, Inbound routing code, Videotext, VPN. Because clients should not be requesting calls to these phone types, we recommend blocking verification calls to these numbers. Any phone number entered that falls under the “other” category was probably either entered incorrectly or was entered by a fraudster testing various phone numbers.
    Phone carrier
    The telecom carrier of the phone number (e.g. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint).

Risk levels
The risk levels range from 1 to 5.

  • Level 5: high risk
  • Level 4: medium to high risk
  • Level 3: medium risk
  • Level 2: low to medium risk
  • Level 1: low risk

Risk recommendations
The recommended action based purely on the risk associated with the phone number.

  • Flag
  • Block
  • Allow

Risk score
A phone number’s risk score is a measure of the risk associated with the phone number. The risk score ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the risk score, the higher the risk level.

Score Risk level | Recommendation
81-100 high | block
61-80 medium-high | block
41-60 medium | flag
21-40 medium-low | allow
0-20 low | allow

Associated Workflow criteria
Many organizations use the Phone Risk Report type to flag potentially fraudulent activity. Please work with Persona to set up workflows to help auto-decline or mark inquiries for review associated with high risk Phone Report results.

  • Phone carrier
  • Phone number risk score
  • Phone type
  • Phone risk recommendation

Politically Exposed Person Report

What is it?

The Politically Exposed Person (aka PEP) report screens an individual to determine if they are an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent function by a local, regional, national or international governmental body. If someone is identified as a politically exposed person, they have a greater risk for financial institutions with regard to AML and CFT (Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism) measures. Additionally, the PEP report can surface matches against relatives and close associates of prominent individuals, as these are also viewed as a potential source given their connections with the PEPs.


Each position a PEP holds is categorized by a risk level. The risk level for each type of position is listed below and follows the stated classification system:

PEP Class Types

High risk: pep-class-1

  • Heads of state and government
  • Members of government (national and regional)
  • Members of parliament (national and regional)
  • Heads of military, judiciary, and law enforcement
  • Board members of central banks
  • Top-ranking officials of political parties

Medium risk: pep-class-2

  • Senior officials of the military, judiciary, and law enforcement agencies
  • Senior officials of other state agencies and bodies and high-ranking civil servants
  • Senior members of religious groups
  • Ambassadors, consuls, and high commissioners

Medium risk: pep-class-3

Senior management and board of directors of state-owned businesses and organizations.

Low risk: pep-class-4

  • Mayors and members of local, country, city, and district assemblies
  • Senior officials and functionaries of international or supranational organization


  • Within a given class section, all the positions associated with an individual are listed. If the individual is a relative or close associate, these positions will be listed at the same class level as the person they are related to.

Profile Report

About Profile Report

The Profile Report enriches the personal identity information of your users. Given partial PII about a user (such as a phone number or last 4 digits of an SSN), you can obtain related PII (such as associated phone numbers or full SSN).

Use cases

You can use a Profile Report to:

  • Ensure customer data is complete. Pre-fill or obtain required data, such as SSN, for Know Your Customer (KYC) / Customer Identification Program (CIP) compliance.
  • Ensure customer data is accurate. Detect and correct common user input errors, such as off-by-1 typos, by corroborating your users' inputs against authoritative data sources.

The Profile Report may help you achieve business goals such as:

  • Expanding access to thin file applicants.
  • Conducting enhanced due diligence for risky transactions.

Social Media Report

What is it?

The social media report surfaces social media profiles associated with an individual and is mainly used for KYC and marketing purposes. Please note that our social media report cannot be used to make hiring or employment decisions, as it isn't FCRA compliant. This information is collected via a combination of public data sources and proprietary data sources. All collection of social media information is fully compliant with global data privacy regulations.

How does it work?

In order to run the social media report, there are 3 minimum valid combinations of information we can use - email address, phone number, full name, AND (location OR postal code). We won't always be able to surface the social media profiles associated with an individual. Passing in more information increases the likelihood we will have a match. This not only includes the combination of information above but also others such as date of birth.

Supported social media websites

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Github

Watchlist Report

About Watchlist Report

100+ global sanctions and warnings lists

The Watchlist Report screens an individual across 100+ global sanctions and warnings lists. The Watchlist Report is the most commonly used Report type and is often required as part of a fully built-out KYC/AML process.

Highly configurable, continuous monitoring

TabaPay's Watchlist Report stands out from other providers:

  • We search against one of the largest databases, containing 100+ lists and growing.
  • We offer highly configurable search parameters to help you reduce false positives and manual effort from your operations teams.
  • High false positive rates are a common problem amongst providers of watchlist screens.
  • We allow you to continuously monitor an individual against a set of lists at a cadence you choose.

Configuration options

Configuration options let you specify which lists to search against, and what constitutes a match against a list.

List configurations

You can configure the lists used in your Watchlist Report in multiple ways:

  • List types: Specify the types of lists you search against, including sanctions, warnings, and fitness & probity.
    For example, you can specify that you want to search against all sanction lists, but not against any warnings and fitness & probity lists.
  • Exact lists: Alternatively, you can pick and choose exactly which lists you want like to search against.
    For example, you can specify that you want to search against the Ireland Central Bank Revocation Notices list, the Switzerland Federal Gaming Board Blocked list, and the India National Housing Bank Penalties list.

Name match configurations

You can specify what constitutes a match between the name of an individual and the name on a list. Options include:

  • Exact match: You can specify that you want a match only when an individual's name is exactly the same as what's on a list.
  • Equivalent names: You can specify that, in addition to exact matches, you also want to match on equivalent names.
    Equivalent names include:
    • Hypocorisms (e.g. James <> Jim <> Jimmy)
    • Homophones (e.g. Kearns <> Cairns <> Kerns)
    • Abbreviations (e.g. Robert <> Rob)
    • Transliteration (e.g. Mohammed <> محمد)
    • AKAs (e.g. Alphonse Gabriel Capone, Al Capone)
      Search fuzziness: You can specify that, in addition to exact and equivalent matches, you want to allow fuzziness in the match.
      Allowing for fuzziness allows you to account for typos.
      You can specify the level of fuzziness you want to allow (ranging from Low to High).
      For more information, see Reports - Name Match Requirements.

Country configuration

You can optionally specify the country of an individual. Specifying the country can effectively reduce false positives in your list matches.

By default, in a match, at least one of the following country-related fields must have a matching value:

  • Residency
  • Citizenship
  • Birthplace
  • Nationality
    You can change this default if you’d like, and choose which fields you want to match on.

Continuous monitoring

You can continuously monitor an individual on a cadence you choose.

An individual who is not a "bad actor" today might still become a "bad actor" two months down the line. Continuous monitoring ensures you're notified if this happens.

For more information, see Continuous Reports on Accounts.

Use Watchlist Report with Workflows

Many organizations who use the Watchlist Report want to mark Inquiries for review when they have an associated Watchlist match. You can build a Workflow to do this automatically.

Specifically, you can choose from the following Trigger events to trigger a Workflow:

  • watchlist.matched
  • watchlist.ready


How does the Watchlist report work?
You configure search parameters, including the lists to search in, the name of an individual, and the criteria for a name match. You can optionally include a country code and/or a year of birth for the individual. Based on the criteria, TabaPay searches for matching individuals in the set of lists specified.

What lists can TabaPay search against?
TabaPay can search across 100+ sanctions, warnings, and fitness & probity lists. Please reach out to [email protected] for a full, comprehensive list.

How often are lists updated?
All TabaPay Watchlists are updated within 10 minutes of the lists being updated on the original data source.

What other reports work well with the Watchlist Report?
We often recommend using the Watchlist Report with the Adverse Media Report.